1. How to Toilet Train Your ...

How to Toilet Train Your 1-3 Years Toddler?

1 to 3 years

Sumitra Gopal


2 years ago

How to Toilet Train Your 1-3 Years Toddler?
Toilet training

If you are like most parents, we are sure you can't wait for your tiny tot to start using the loo - and do away with the diaper routine. But every milestone needs an effort from you and your child. And toilet training is definitely not the easiest! Most parents struggle with it. So that's why we got our Proparent blogger, Sumitra Gopal, to share 5 tried-tested ideas that helped her make a smooth transition as outlined here...

  • How to identify your child's need to go to the toilet - each child has his/her own signal!
  • How to deal with a false alarm and failed attempts (must-know!)
  • How to encourage your child to use the loo (know the right things to say and do)

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    Toilet Training Ideas for Your Child

    I could hardly wait for my children to stop using diapers. The task of toilet training seemed daunting to begin with, however with a little courage and by focusing on the ultimate reward - I gave it a start. Read on to find out how your child too can be diaper free easily. Here’s how I got my little one toilet trained, and I hope these pointers help you:

    • Identify the Signs - Children usually make a particular facial expression, give out a muffled cry, or stop walking to push the poo into their diaper. Each child to his/her own! A bit of observation will tell you what your child’s signs are. Once you know what your cue is, rush them to the toilet seat!
    • True or False - Sometimes it could be a false alarm. Children like to take you on an errand to the loo just because they like the attention they get from mommy! A couple of empty trips will train you.
    • Be Persistent & Set Examples Success comes with failure. Accidents are an integral part of potty training, so don't lose hope if you have subsequent failed attempts.
    • Our little ones learn from us. So, I also taught my children that to become grown-up like mummy and daddy they had to learn a few things- like going for potty in the toilet just like us!
    • Reward & Recognition - Children like praises and rewards (in my case the reward was a hug, a kiss, a chance to sleep with me at night). Consequently, I also showed my disapproval towards my children when they had willing “accidents” repeatedly, just to get my attention.
    • Prevention is better than cureTo help make it a habit, take your child to the toilet at regular intervals.I made it a point to take the children to the toilet every 30 mins at first and then every 1 hour. If we were stepping out, I took them to the toilet just before we got out of the house.

    I hope these simple steps can help you toilet train your toddler and be diaper free!

    Did you find Sumitra’s tips on toilet training toddlers useful? How did/do you potty train your little one? Do leave your comments…. We love hearing from you!

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