1. 7 tips to protect your ne ...

7 tips to protect your newborn from cold weather

0 to 1 years

Aparna Jha


2 years ago

7 tips to protect your newborn from cold weather
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Newborn babies need to be handled with the utmost care, warmth, and tenderness. The latest weather alert by IMD predicted a drop in temperature by 2-3 degrees. Let’s have a look at seven essential tips that can help us to shield our delicate infants during this change in temperature. 

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1 Dress them in the right clothes:

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    Newborns tend to lose heat faster as compared to adults, they do not shiver and generate heat; making it difficult to regulate their core temperature. The best way to deal with a change in weather is to make sure that your baby is dressed in layers. Ensure that you use clothes that are breathable such as cotton, and layer them with full sleeved thermal innerwear set. Put on a warm sweater/jacket and bottom with it. Do not forget mittens, socks, and caps!

    2 Watch out for room temperature:

    If you use indoor heating to tackle freezing weather, you need to be cautious. The lack of moisture due to low humidity can adversely impact the newborn’s skin. You can install a humidifier that maintains the moisture level perfectly. The room temperature should be balanced, neither too cold nor too hot; 18- 20 degree Celsius is quite comfortable. 

    3 The skin needs protection too:

    Your baby’s skin is fragile and sensitive, the freezing weather can make it even drier. Use a chemical-free moisturizer. You can re-apply it after a few hours to prevent dry skin. 

    4 Don’t forget to breastfeed:

    Nutrition plays an important role in keeping the baby healthy during weather changes. Breast milk is enriched with nutrients and antibodies which protect the newborn from sickness and strengthens immunity. As they come in contact with your body, your warmth calms and relaxes the baby.

    5 Keep a check on the vaccination schedule:

    Keeping the track of immunization is extremely imperative. Winters make our child more prone to infections and vaccines will boost their potential to fight these microbe or virus-borne diseases. 

    6 Look after your own hygiene:

    You need to be mindful of your own cleanliness and hygiene because you share the most proximity with the baby. With low immunity in winter, they are an easy target to succumb to infections. Make sure that you wash your hands, and use a sanitizer whenever necessary before taking care of the newborn.


    7 Use sleeping bags:

    In chilly weather use thick blankets to wrap the baby, this gives them a cozy and comfortable sleep. If your baby frequently kicks the blanket you can put them in wearable blankets or sleeping bags. If your baby sleeps in a crib, ensure its placement is far from the windows. Shut doors and windows to avert cold and wintry air in the room. 

    Your little one is fragile, thus avoid exposing them to cold weather as much as possible. Take them out only when necessary. I hope these tips will aid you in taking effective care of your child during winters. Happy Parenting to you!


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