1. Juvenile Diabetes Prevent ...

Juvenile Diabetes Prevention Tips & What to Do Once Diagnosed?

3 to 7 years

Dr Himani Narula Khanna
5 years ago

Juvenile Diabetes Prevention Tips & What to Do Once Diagnosed?

Juvenile diabetes is one of the most common and life-threatening childhood diseases. Prevention and early detection go a long way to curb this health menace. Be aware and spread the awareness amongst other fellow parents (share, support and follow), family and relatives, so that no child suffers from this dreadful ailment; after all, prevention is better than cure.

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Our expert, Dr. Himani, Developmental Paediatrician at Artemis, Gurgaon, shares a ready reckoner that can help detect and prevent. Here's what you need to know and tell others.

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    Busting Myths

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    Types of Juvenile Diabetes

    What is Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes? Can it develop in children? 

    Diabetes can develop in a child of any age, including infants and toddlers. Type 1 diabetes often develops quickly and may be life-threatening, if not diagnosed early. It is mostly diagnosed a little late when the pancreas stops making insulin completely. It is an autoimmune disease, which means the body’s own immune system attacks the pancreas destroying the cells that make insulin. 

    In Type 2 Diabetes, the cells do not use insulin well (insulin resistance) and the ability of the pancreas to make insulin decreases over time - this results in the body being unable to control the amount of sugar in the blood.

    What Are Juvenile Diabetes Symptoms?

    If you observe any two or more of the following symptoms in your child or you, it is time for a proper medical check-up:

    1. Weight loss
    2. Excessive thirst
    3. Frequent urination
    4. Weakness and fatigue

    What to Do Once Diagnosed?

    Knowing certain terms will help you tackle and track this disease. You need to understand what is low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). In a hypoglycemic child, you will observe excessive sweating, signs of dizziness, blurry vision. This state can be managed by giving glucose tablets/ honey/ sugar syrup, juices, etc. However, a hyperglycemic child will complain of thirst, irritability and stomach pain and will feel better by drinking plenty of oral liquids.

    Once either of this two diabetes is diagnosed, you need to monitor blood sugar regularly, eat healthily, insulin /medication should be taken as prescribed and keep an eye on related complications such as retinal damage, kidney disease, and foot problems.


    We hope the above article has been useful. Please ask a question to our expert for more clarification. Do you have a child with diabetes? How are you coping with it? Do write in the comments section for the benefit of fellow parents - it will help them in their day-to-day fight against Diabetes. Share, support and follow - let's beat this disease together.

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