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How to Inculcate Sharing Habits in Children?

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Fareha Nousheen


5 years ago

How to Inculcate Sharing Habits in Children?

One of the most vital habits that you need to inculcate in your child is - the habit of sharing. It is crucial to encourage and cultivate sharing habits in children in their early years. To make children learn something, parents need to practice first what they preach. These pocket-sized miniatures emulate their parents and elders in the family. That being the case, parents need to turn into role models themselves and lead them by example. [Read - How to Be A Good Role Model for Your Child?]

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The tiny-tots may not be comfortable sharing their personal stuff at first, but once they get the hang of the essence, it will surely reduce their stress. It’s tough, as with so many facets of parenthood, but we need to instill this crucial moral from a very early age. Although it won’t happen immediately, practice will eventually develop compassion and generosity in them. The wonderful creation of God called the Universe, where we reside is also shared by animals and birds along with human beings and we peacefully co-exist. This can reasonably be backed by the famous quote of Leonard Nimoy - The miracle is this: the more we share, the more we have.

Tips for Teaching Your Child How to Share/Habit of Sharing

Use these inklings to your child when it comes to inculcating sharing habits amongst children. Read below...

  • As goes the saying “Monkey see, Monkey do”. Parents need to share their stuff with others and so will the little one. Creating opportunities and setting examples before children will help them become proficient.
  • When children have problems sharing their toys in a group setting, introducing them to the Timer can resolve the issue. Set the timer to say for 1-2min.Ask the older ones to wait for long. Every child will revel in for the equal amount of time being granted to them and it will encourage fair play as well.
  • On a heightened table place some candles(to avoid the risk of burning). Light one of them and with the help of that candle try to light as many of others as possible. Observe how the light of the first candle does not reduce when shared. Show that as an example of a particularly stubborn child.
  • Applaud the infant when they act in accordance with your expectations. Without a miss, throw in lots of accolades and attention.
  • Children who had received an immense attachment from parents during the early years will turn out be generous in the years to come. Young ones will shell out as they have been bestowed with.
  • In the mixing plate of watercolors, try combining two basic primary colors. Watch how altogether a totally new color has been obtained—another great example to teach the value of sharing.
  • Respect the child’s attachment for certain prized belongings of theirs. It is totally normal for children to be stingy towards some toys while they are liberal about others. Forcing them to lend out their precious possessions will unquestionably foster resentment, not generosity.
  • In some instances amidst the brawls amongst children, it is better not to interfere. Let them come to a solution, on their own, by giving them time and space. Stay a bystander lest the situation is deteriorating.


Hope these tips will be useful in imparting the life lesson. After all the quote by Mother Teresa precisely educates-“God gives us things to share, God doesn’t give us things to hold”. Happy Parenting!!

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