1. How Relationship Between ...

How Relationship Between Mom and Dad Affects Child?

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Swapna Nair


3 years ago

How Relationship Between Mom and Dad Affects Child?
Daily Tips
Social & Emotional

In India, marriage is the union of two families along with the couple. Understanding oneself and your partner is an uphill but beautiful journey. After marriage, the next step is usually parenting. Most couples in India plunge into parenthood without being prepared for it mentally, financially and physically. This is because of the many myths surrounding parenthood, and usually pressure from the extended families.

We prepare for exams, meetings, weddings and even parties. But we do not plan for the biggest turnaround journey in our lives. Parenting is not easy and neither is it all roses.

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    Did you find Swapna'sblog on the impact of marriage on children useful? How do you maintain a healthy relationship with your partner and children? Do leave your comments…. We love hearing from you!

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