1. How I Changed My Child's ...

How I Changed My Child's Nutrition As He Turned 2

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Cheena Maini Gujral
7 years ago

How I Changed My Child's Nutrition As He Turned 2

Ivaan’s terrible twos were out and he was heading to sassy threes. I was excited to move to variety of foods available for him to be at pace with his growth requirements. But things never happened as I thought. He was just eating a roti/rice with some curd. The mere sight of tomato or a green pea in food turned the tables for him. This behaviour was obviously not healthy though it never bothered me hard enough, as he was mostly stomach full. In the race to stack his intestine, I somehow overlooked the nutritional fundamentals. He was a fussy eater, lagging in essentials for his cognitive development and I was not quite well aware of the consequence.

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A rich diet of minerals and vitamins is necessary for an active child and Ivaan was clearly deficient because of his choosy eating patterns. His disliking for fruits and carbs, was evidently making him dull and lethargic and this was visible in his play time. Somehow, I again gave this a cold shoulder assuming its just a phase. Yes, yet again I was an oblivion mother and I regret that. I did not ponder over the reasons behind my child's slowness; I should have.

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    Sooner the stage arrived, when my unawareness, got a hit. Ivaan started with his playschool and I happened to be in touch with a Nutritionist friend, who suggested me to work on basics of Ivaan’s development as he was in his growing years. She awakened me towards the importance of balanced nutrition especially from the age of 2 till 5 years.

    That was the ice breaking time. I started handling his dietary needs with much more care. Besides a rich diet full of food and beverages, I switched to Ceregrow. The previous experiences with my peculiar foody, had made me well understand the fact that my child is not going to happily swallow those green veggies and multigrain cereals. I needed to improve my toddler's intake of cereals and nutrients. So Ceregrow was the best rescue plan needed for a mom like me, who was tackling with a nutrient deficient fussy eater. 

    Ceregrow not only provides proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates for optimal growth, it also helps in fulfilling the diet gap, and this was my main reason to take to it. I am now clear that the idea should not only be filling the tiny tummy of Ivaan but moreover giving him the right nutrients too. These micronutrients can be easily introduced in young ones via fortified foods. Moreover, Ceregrow has been a good combination of health and taste.

    I am sharing this story with all moms who are unaware of their unfamiliarity with their child's nutrition. Let's catch the gap at the earliest stage and help our toddlers grow better with nutrient dense food.

    Have a happy growing toddler with Ceregrow!!


    Disclaimer-  This Blog is supported by Nestle Ceregrow. A child needs more nutrition than an adult. Each bowl of Ceregrow contains the goodness of grains, milk & fruits and makes up for the lack of sufficient nutrition. Follow Early Childhood Nutrition to learn more.

    Calculated basis per kg body weight; ICMR 2010

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