1. How Can Help Your Baby's ...

How Can Help Your Baby's Learning Process Start Little Early?

0 to 1 years

Swapna Nair


12 months ago

How Can Help Your Baby's Learning Process Start Little Early?

Have you ever wondered when the learning process starts for babies? Your baby’s learning starts from your womb and she grows up she will show signs of independence – meaning that she is competent in finishing a task on her own. Let her do it. But before we go further into the learning process, let’s understand what competency is and how will it help your baby in the long run. What Is Competency? Competence is the ability to effectively accomplish our goals.

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  • A competent person is able to stay on track, notice what's needed in a given situation, and respond accordingly.
  • Competent people act with feeling, even with inspiration, but don't let emotions derail them.
  • In other words, they overcome internal and external obstacles to stay on task and accomplish the goals they set for themselves. That means they're able to read other people and respond appropriately to new situations.

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    How Can You Help Your Baby To Develop Competency?

    Did you also know that when your baby entering his or her toddlerhood starts showing independence is also when the learning process starts? Here's how you can help your baby develop competency.

    • Let him try to do it himself from the earliest age: Rein in your own impatience. That doesn’t mean abandoning him to it. Stand by, smiling, ready to be helpful in whatever way actually helps your toddler.
    • Don’t be an Anxious Parent: Clucking anxiously about how worried you are as he climbs that play structure may make you feel better, and it may impress the other parents on the playground with your attentiveness, but it won't help your child. In fact, it unintentionally limits him.
    • Build Your Baby’s Confidence: Help her build confidence by tackling manageable challenges with your assistance.
    • Emotional development researchers call this "scaffolding," which could be defined as the framework you give your child on which she builds.
    • You demonstrate one step at a time, or use questions to suggest each step, or simply spot her, which helps her to succeed when she tries something new
    • Don't test your child: When you say "What's this color?" and your toddler answers correctly, you get excited. But then you keep asking about the next color and the next, and sooner or later you get to a color that he can't identify. To you, that's just one more color you're teaching him. But to him, that's a failure. He's disappointed you. You think you're teaching him colors. But you aren't. You're teaching him that he isn't good enough. (Do you really want to teach colors?)
      • Do it just like you do anything else, by using the names in everyday life. "Let's get the purple one."
      • There is never a reason to test your child. And lecturing, drilling, and testing aren't the most effective ways to teach. Children learn when they discover for themselves
    • Don’t evaluate: If you call Grandma in front of your child to report on your child's latest achievement, you're setting your child up to worry that unless she's brilliant and precocious, she's a disappointment.
      • That creates a child who worries that she always needs to impress those around her. If you tell her she's smart, that makes it worse because she knows that she isn't always smart, and she doesn't know how to get smarter - it isn't something she has control over.
      • When we make a big deal about child’s achievements, they feel evaluated, and they often worry so much about performance that they refuse even to try new things


    Other Things To Help Your Baby’s Learning Process

    If you are wondering which is the best way to enable your baby to learn, it is by incorporating various activities in everyday life.

    1. Hide and Seek: You can partially hide your child’s favorite toy under the blanket in front of him and ask him to find it. He will move towards the object and find it quickly. Slowly you can hide the entire object and ask your child to find. He will put in efforts and learn to locate the object
    2. Stack-up Blocks: Get your child a set of colorful blocks and show him how to pile them up with one on the other. Your child will imitate you and try to stack up the blocks on his own. Once you have taught him or she let him do it on his or her own and don’t go anxious if he or she is not able to do it correctly the first time.
    3. Self-feeding: If your baby wants to eat on his or her own let him or her do so. Just ensure that you make your child wear a bib so that there is no spillage on his or her clothes. This will not only encourage your baby to be independent there will also be a hand mouth coordination for healthy development. Read Also: Learning Disabilities Causes, Symptoms & Tips to Cope-up


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