Why Homeschooling Is A Go ...
I am a freelancer and my choice well explains my idea of living life, learning and growing up. Freelancers enjoy the independence to work on their own whims and usually end up doing tasks they really want to do. I am blessed to be a freelancer and I have passed on the same idea of living to my three-year-old. My daughter Ojasvini is a homeschooler and is learning beautifully at her own pace.
Homeschooling is when parents decide to teach their child in the comforts of their home and not send them to either public or private schools. While the concept is still new in India, it is getting acceptance from more and more parents, especially in the wake of safety issues in schools that have cropped up in recent days.
My daughter Ojasvani is quite curious by nature and I didn't want to curb her curious nature by sending her to traditional schools where rote learning is the norm. I wanted her to learn things at her pace and learn what she wanted to learn rather than follow a set pattern or time table. [Read - Benefits and Disadvantages of Homeschooling]
Like any other normal schools that may be considered the good or bad basis on certain set standards, homeschooling can be a good or bad idea depending on the individual parents. For me, being a freelancer and of free-spirited nature, homeschooling was a good idea, as I didn't want my daughter to get into the habit of rote learning or studying and not actually learning anything about life or environment around her. So I take her to nature walks.
But today, I can say that while she is too small to be judged academically, creativity is flourishing. I often come across people who in state of dead shock ask questions like- "How would she learn to mingle with people and learn to be independent?" [Know - 7 Reasons That Prove Public Schools Have An Edge Over Homeschooling]
Well curbing this prevalent notion that homeschooling affects the personality of the children, I would like to share that my daughter is an extrovert and extremely friendly person after a year of homeschooling now. Though she always needs her me time to cook her stories and paint them on a sheet. But rest assured she doesn't stick to me all the time.
For most of the time, she keeps to her artwork and in the evening with her park friends. And there are also Krishna conscious community programs and classes where she gets to see and meet a lot of people.
Homeschooling won't make your child shy or an introvert, if that's what you are scared of. In fact, if your child is shy homeschooling will give him or her lots of opportunities to overcome the shyness, as you can organize meets with like-minded people and let your child interact with their children.
Recently she stunned an audience of 250 people by reciting Bhagwad Gita shloka and Krishna conscious poems. At the age of three, she is learning about God consciousness and exploring the world she comes across each day.
For now, my teaching methodology is simple but well planned. My daughter is a little curious one and in fact, she is the one who inspired me to home school her. She comes up with her curiosities about nature and everything around her, I find and innovate the understandable way of answering her and that's how it all started. She was learning and loving it. I know she is learning but she doesn't know she is studying. That's the beauty of homeschooling!
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