Hernia Causes, Types and ...
Hernia? In Children? Yes, unlike most of us think, hernias are fairly common among kids. Do you know that babies, particular preemies, can even be born with a Lingual hernia? The good news is that if recognized on time, a hernia can be effectively treated. In fact, hernia repair is one of the most common surgeries performed on children.
When part of an organ or tissue within the abdomen, such as a loop of intestine, pushes through the weak spot in a muscle wall. In this course of action, it can protrude into space where it does not belong. This protrusion is referred to as a hernia. Hernia appears as a bulge or lump. However, in children, unlike hernias are seen in adults, the area through which the organ or tissue protrude is not always considered a weakness in the muscle wall, but a normal area that has not yet closed.
A hernia is caused by muscle weakness and it can develop promptly or over a period of time. However, pediatric hernias more often happen due to some birth defect. More often due to a hole in the muscle wall of the abdomen that happens due to various reason. In fact, most of the time this hole will disappear on its own without creating issues. If not, the abdominal tissue, usually a portion of the small intestine, can protrude through it developing a hernia.
A hernia is mostly detected during the initial year of the child. The preemies are more often born with a hernia and they are often surgically corrected before discharging from the neonatal intensive care unit. But, even though not often, hernias will not become noticeable until a child is much older, and even sometimes not until adulthood.
There are different types of hernias.
There are three types of hernia in children depending on the location. Read here...
Causes of Inguinal Hernia: In boys, an inguinal hernia related to the development and descent of the testes. The testis is developed inside the abdomen of the fetus. It is around the seventh month of pregnancy, the testes start to descend to the scrotum. After they reach the scrotum, the opening behind should close. Failure of closing this opening in proper time can pave the way for developing a hernia. In girls, a similar process happens as the round ligament of the uterus descends into the groin at the labia. This sac, known as processes vaginalis, usually closes shortly after birth, thereby, eliminating the connection between the abdominal cavity and the groin. However, once the closure of the process vaginalis is delayed or incomplete, it may stretch and eventually forms a hernia. Surgery can correct an inguinal hernia. In fact, inguinal hernia correction is the most common elective surgery that pediatric surgeons perform. [Read - Inguinal Hernia Occurrence & Treatment in Children]
Inguinal Hernia Symptoms: A bulge or a swelling in the groin. In boys, the swelling might be seen in the scrotum. Sometimes the swelling may only be seen during the child cry or strain.
Umbilical Symptoms:
A soft bulge under the skin of the belly button. Size varies from the size of a pea to the size of a plum The bulge may be easier to see when your child sits or stands upright or strains stomach muscles
Femoral Symptoms:
A noticeable lump in the groin area, near the upper thigh. The lump can cause pain when the child stands up or strain in any way
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