1. Hepatitis Virus In Your C ...

Hepatitis Virus In Your Child - All You Should Know

7 to 11 years

Cheena Maini Gujral
6 months ago

Hepatitis Virus In Your Child - All You Should Know

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by viruses. There are 5 types of hepatitis and its different stages. Know how to cure hepatitis and its symptoms. 

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    Hepatitis: Acute or Chronic?

    Acute hepatitis is the initial infection, which may be mild or severe. If the infection lasts for six months or longer, the condition is called chronic hepatitis. Hepatitis viruses B, C, and D can produce both acute and chronic episodes of the illness. Chronic hepatitis B and C are especially serious.Hepatitis A and E do not cause chronic hepatitis.


    Five types of Hepatitis

    • Hepatitis A :It is spread by eating food or drinking water contaminated with human waste. Hepatitis A is rarely life-threatening.
    • Hepatitis B: Also called "serum hepatitis," hepatitis B spreads from mother to child at birth or soon after, and also through sexual contact, contaminated blood transfusions and needles. Hepatitis B may scar the liver (cirrhosis) and lead to liver cancer.
    • Hepatitis C: It is the most common form of viral hepatitis. While it can be transmitted through contaminated blood transfusions and/or needles,may scar the liver. It is more severe in patients with HIV.
    • Hepatitis D: This form most often infects intravenous (IV) drug users who are also carriers of the hepatitis B virus. It is spread only in the presence of the hepatitis B virus and is transmitted in the same ways. Hepatitis D is a serious health problem because it occurs in those with hepatitis B, increasing the severity of symptoms associated with hepatitis B.
    • Hepatitis E: Similar to hepatitis A, hepatitis E is prevalent in countries with poor sanitation.


    Vaccination for Hepatitis

    There are no vaccines for Hepatitis C, D and E. However, there are safe and effective vaccines for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis A. It is possible  you might have hepatitis and not realize it at first. Sometimes there aren't any symptoms or you might not get the right diagnosis because the disease shares some of the same signs as the flu.


    • Loss of appetite, Fatigue, Mild fever, Muscle or joint aches, Nausea and vomiting, Pain in your belly. Some people have other issues, such as:
    • Dark urine, Light-coloured stools, Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes), Itchy feeling, Mental changes, such as stupor (being in a daze) or coma, Bleeding inside your body
    • Always check with your doctor if you have any of the signs of hepatitis. If you don't get treatment it can lead to cirrhosis, a serious scarring of your liver.
    • Doctor may advise for blood tests or in severe cases liver biopsy.


    How to prevent it?

    • Check that kid washes his hands regularly, especially after using the toilet. Make them wash the hands for at least 20 seconds before touching their food or anything else to prevent the spreading of the virus.
    • Avoid sharing personal items that allow the virus to spread.
    • Clean the toilet, flush handle, bathroom door handles, used by the child who is infected. This will prevent the infection from spreading to the other children.
    • Don’t consume unhygienic food and water.

    Hepatitis: Acute or Chronic?

    Acute hepatitis is the initial infection, which may be mild or severe. If the infection lasts for six months or longer, the condition is called chronic hepatitis. Hepatitis viruses B, C, and D can produce both acute and chronic episodes of the illness. Chronic hepatitis B and C are especially serious.Hepatitis A and E do not cause chronic hepatitis.

    Five types of Hepatitis

    • Hepatitis A :It is spread by eating food or drinking water contaminated with human waste. Hepatitis A is rarely life-threatening.
    • Hepatitis B: Also called "serum hepatitis," hepatitis B spreads from mother to child at birth or soon after, and also through sexual contact, contaminated blood transfusions and needles. Hepatitis B may scar the liver (cirrhosis) and lead to liver cancer.
    • Hepatitis C: It is the most common form of viral hepatitis. While it can be transmitted through contaminated blood transfusions and/or needles,may scar the liver. It is more severe in patients with HIV.
    • Hepatitis D: This form most often infects intravenous (IV) drug users who are also carriers of the hepatitis B virus. It is spread only in the presence of the hepatitis B virus and is transmitted in the same ways. Hepatitis D is a serious health problem because it occurs in those with hepatitis B, increasing the severity of symptoms associated with hepatitis B.
    • Hepatitis E: Similar to hepatitis A, hepatitis E is prevalent in countries with poor sanitation.


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