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What Causes Prickly Heat Rash In Your Baby - Symptoms and Treatments

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Ambili S Kartha


8 months ago

What Causes Prickly Heat Rash In Your Baby - Symptoms and Treatments

It's summertime and it's not unusual different blotches and rashes appear on your baby's body. The appearance of heat rash also called prickly heat or summer rash during hot, humid weather, is not a serious issue and usually clears on its own after a few days. Therefore, not get panic if your child develops this nasty rash on his or her tender baby soft skin. There are several home remedies and a few simple tactics to bring down the itching and spreading of heat rash. Let's try to understand some details of causes, signs and treating heat rash in babies.

What Is A Baby Heat Rash?

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    Heat rash or prickly heat in baby's and toddlers is nothing but bright red pimply rashes sometimes even blisters that appear when your child overheats in hot and humid weather. Children, especially new born babies are more prone to heat rashes as their sweat glands are still in developing stage. Heat rashes are the sign that the baby is too warm. Remember before the babies reach 3 months old they will not able to regulate their body temperature. Therefore, actually heat rash is a warning sign that indicates to take necessary measures against overheating.

    What Is The Cause Of Heat Rash?

    Simply put, heat causes heat rashes. Heat rash or miliaria develops when your baby sweats too much. Due to profuse sweating, baby's pores clogged and sweat get trapped inside the skin will affect the surrounding tissue developing rashes and itchy blisters. As already mentioned babies and young children are more prone to heat rash because they have smaller pores than adults. Any of the following that triggers heavy sweating can result in heat rash in babies,

    • High temperature
    • Overdressing
    • Running around or playing physically exerting games in hot weather
    • Over application of lotions and creams

    Even though hot, humid weather is a season of heat rash, your baby can develop heat rash in winter as well

    • If your baby wears too many layers of clothing
    • Whenever she or he contracts a fever
    • Applying winter ointments that may clog the sweat pores

    In Which Part Of The Body Baby Heat Rash Appear?

    If your baby has heat rash, you'll most likely see it in the folds of his skin and on the parts of his body where his clothing fits tightly causing friction. Usually, heat rashes in babies appear in the neck folds, armpits, elbow creases, buttocks, and groin. It also appears on chest and stomach. If the baby often wears a hat, the rash appears on his scalp or forehead.

    What Are The Heat Rash Symptoms In Babies?

    Here are the signs of heat rash in babies

    • Red bumps on the skin where there is less air circulation due to tight clothing and in skin folds
    • It can appear as clear, fluid-filled blisters and bumps in mild cases
    • Heat rash can be prickly or itchy when the deeper layer of skin is affected
    • Intense and excessive scratching can make the heat rash inflamed

    How Does Heat Rash In Babies Differ From Eczema?

    Both heat rash and eczema can be triggered by heat and aggravate during the summertime. Both will appear reddish and appear on the same parts of the body parts mentioned above. Yet, you can differentiate heat rash and baby eczema.

    • Heat rash is uneven, can be itchy with the blister-like gash. On the other hand, baby eczema appears as raised itchy patches
    • Heavier moisturizing ointments will make baby eczema get better, whereas it aggravates heat rash

    When To See The Doctor If The Baby Contract Heat Rash?

    Heat rash should usually go away as soon as the skin has had the opportunity to cool down (within 5 days maximum). You should consider taking the child to his doctor if,

    • The rash shows no signs of getting better even after ensuring proper air circulation and giving an opportunity to cool down the baby's body
    • The heat rash shows signs of infection (pus) and pain
    • The baby develops a fever

    How To Treat Heat Rash In Babies?

    As already mentioned most often heat rash in babies will clear up on its own in a few days if the affected area is kept cool and dry without any treatment. Heat rash treatment in babies includes:

    • Cooling the skin with cold, wet flannels
    • Use a hand fan to dry and cool him off, rather than rubbing him with a towel
    • You can liberally use calamine lotion to bring down the itching of the heat rash
    • Don't rub any ointments or lotions (OTC) on him without your child's doctor's direction as this can block the sweat glands and aggravate the issue
    • If the child shows signs that heat rash is getting painful, the doctor will prescribe some topical medicines and method to use it

    What Are The Home Remedies For Prickly Heat In Babies?

    • Bathing multiple times a day in cool water (not cold water) is a good remedy for prickly heat so that the body cools faster and the rash subsides
    • Staying in an air-conditioned room can help to bring down stinging sensation of prickly heat in babies
    • Aloe Vera is famous for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. These qualities make it a perfect remedy for prickly heat. Apply Aloe Vera gel on the affected skin. Leave for twenty minutes and then remove it gently with a soft towel
    • Applying cucumber paste over the heat rash also gives a cooling effect

    How To Prevent Prickly Heat Rash In Babies?

    • Give the baby nappy-free time
    • Avoid tight-fitting clothes
    • Use a soft cotton sheet to cover your baby while he sleeps
    • Breastfeed baby to keep him well hydrated. For older ones encourage to drink more water
    • Ensure good air circulation in baby's room
    • Avoid oil-based creams and lotions during summer
    • While taking the baby out in a pushchair, make sure you always take the shady route
    • Avoid long period of being in (like sleeping) a baby carrier, pram or stroller
    • We agree swaddling is a great thing to help your baby sleep. However, avoid a full outfit of clothes with swaddling and too much swaddling as it can cause heat rash
    • Dress baby in loose cotton clothing that permit your baby's skin to "breathe."

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