1. Hacks To Handle A Stubbo ...

Hacks To Handle A Stubborn Child

3 to 7 years

Aanchal Rohit Soni


1 years ago

Hacks To Handle  A Stubborn Child

Little Aashish wakes up and see everyone is asleep. He reaches for the drawer and tries to take the packet of gems out from the drawer. His mommy caught him red handed. Though he was scared, he got adamant. He wanted to eat those gems so he just kept on crying in the hope that momma would say yes.

You guessed it right. I'm talking about those stubborn children who just don't give up. Eventually who will give into whom is dependent on how you handle hte situation as parents – tactfully or you resort to anger – leading to disquiet and built-up frustration in you, child and thus in the home as well.

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    So how do you handle a stubborn child? I am sharing 8 hacks to handle the stubborn child, but before that let’s see what are the common traits of a stubborn or a strong-willed child?

    What Are The Traits Of A Stubborn Child?

    There are certain characteristic traits of a stubborn child, which may help you as parents to know whether your child is stubborn or not.

    1. A stubborn child is quite strong willed and loves to do things on his or her own pace. So give them freedom to do things on their own while supervising them
    2. He or she has a strong need to be heard or acknowledged, hence will seek your attention quite often
    3. While children love throwing tantrums, a stubborn child will throw tantrums quite often
    4. A stubborn child can be bossy at times as well and likes to command

    While these are basic characteristics of a stubborn, these traits don’t necessarily mean that your child is stubborn.

    Handling stubborn child

    8 Hacks To Handle A Stubborn Child

    So now you know the basic traits of a stubborn child, you can follow these tried and tested tips that worked well for me to handle your stubborn child.

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    1. Avoid the arguments: While dealing with your stubborn child don’t do the mistake of arguing with him or her, instead listen to what your child has to say. In case the child is crying inconsolably – then tell him or her that you will talk to him or her when he or she is in a better mood. And then move out of that room or that space
    2. Stay calm: When your child is throwing a tantrum practice to stay calm and talk to him or her in a calm soothing voice. Don’t raise your voice, don’t show your embarrassment or your irritation, as your child will be quick enough to catch on it and even capitalise on it
    3. Telling them the reason: If you are strict about something you don't want them to do or buy, then you should give them a valid reason for it. If he or she understands your reason then he or she will definitely be in sync with you. Your reason should not be any threat or something that can make your child fearful. Give him or her logical reason and the child will understand
    4. Divert the attention: If your child gets attached to something that you don’t allow then divert his or her attention by giving something else. If the child wants to buy a supersonic car divert his attention to something better like a book on cars. This will not only give him knowledge but will make him less stubborn
    5. Stories reflect better: Try to tell them stories about stubborn children every day. This is teaching with examples. Tell them how stubborn children are a nuisance. When children will get to know obedience is the virtue they will try to be an obedient child. However, on an occasional basis it is fine if you give in to his or her demands but ensure that it doesn’t become a practice
    6. Be a good role model: A child learns from his or her parents so be a good role model for your child. Let him or her see that how you handle stressful situations without losing your calm. Let him or her see that there are ways to let the emotions out and while it is okay to be angry it is not okay to throw tantrums
    7. Give your child some choices: Give your child choices for the tasks you want to him or her to do. When you offer choices to your child you are letting them know that you value their opinion about the things you want them to do. So whether he or she wants to have soup before dinner or after dinner, let him or her decide
    8. Let there be peace at home: Ensure that there is a peaceful environment at home that helps in raising a child who is calm and composed. Children being children will throw tantrums on and off but if there is a peaceful environment at home, they will learn to handle their emotions in a positive manner

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