1. How & When to Give Banana ...

How & When to Give Banana to Your Baby & Benefits?

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Ritu Ghai


6 years ago

How & When to Give Banana to Your Baby & Benefits?

All babies depend on breast milk or formula for the first 6 months of their life. This is because their tiny digestive systems are still too sensitive and underdeveloped to handle other foods. However, once your little one reaches the age of 6 months, you will need to supplement the growing body's needs with more nutritious, wholesome foods starting with semi-solids. While rice is the most obvious choice for starting semi-solids for babies, bananas are the hottest trend in fruits for 6-month-old babies.

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They are wholesome, packed with flavor and nutrition and are easily digested by the small tummies of your munchkin. So let's discuss some important pointers when it comes to bananas for babies.

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    When Can You Give Bananas to Babies?

    Honestly, I would say that you just start right after 6 months. As soon as your baby turns 6 months old and you feel he / she is ready for semi-solids, you must introduce banana to your little bud. Though some mothers do introduce bananas to their babies at 4 months, it is not recommended. Till 6 months, babies should ideally only be breastfed, but after that, you should move onto semi-solids and gradually solids. Try giving a banana to your baby during the day, especially before noon so that its nutrients are best absorbed, that's what my mom always says! [ Must Try: Banana Bread Recipe For Your Child ]

    How Can You Give Banana to Babies?

    Banana is the most simple and easy to eat fruit that you can ever get your hands on! They are soft, squishy, ​​easy to eat and can be introduced to babies in a mashed form very easily. Try the following methods:

    1. Giving a banana to 6 months old baby: Peel the banana and cut it into smaller parts. Place it in a bowl or plate and mash it using a fork until soft. The idea is to make it extremely soft and pureed so that the baby can easily eat or swallow it because a 6 month old will not start the "eating and biting" until at least 8-9 months old. Making a banana puree for a baby just takes about a few minutes, and if you like, you may make the puree slightly runny by adding some breast or formula milk
    2. Giving a banana to 9 months baby: By now, your baby would have started the eating and munching action while having food. Now, you can mash the banana into more solid bites with chunks as well as pureed parts. The baby may even reach out for a banana to eat on her own - and though messy, it is actually cute and lots of fun
    3. Giving the banana to babies above 1 year: Now you can try and cut the banana into small pieces and offer into your child's hands so they he / she learns to eat by themselves. Do not offer very large pieces that could cause choking. Offer smaller, yet mushy pieces that can easily be chewed / swallowed
    4. Giving bananas older children: You can offer a partially peeled banana to your kid every now and then during the day


    Parentune Tip: You must choose the right banana type for your baby. Always pick a ripe banana for your little one and avoid using green ones as those cause constipation. [Also Know: Diet to Increase 0-12 Months Baby Weight]

    Benefits of Feeding Bananas to Babies

    Curious! What Are The Benefits of Feeding Bananas to your Baby? Bananas are one of the most nutritious and filling fruits for your baby. Children, especially those who are trying out semi solids for the first time must be introduced to bananas to develop healthy eating habits in the future.

    1. Packed with essential nutrients: Bananas are packed with vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, Potassium, Zinc, Iron, Calcium & Magnesium; all of which are all very crucial for early development and growth in babies
    2. Easy to digest: Bananas are very easy to digest and an instant favorite due to their sweet taste. Containing soluble fiber called Pectin; bananas make sure everything goes down your little one's stomach smoothly without issues
    3. Treat baby constipation: Babies spend a lot of time on their backs, and at times find it difficult to push their stools. Or she may strain herself a lot while pushing. Ripe bananas when mashed and fed helps in constipation as it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool. Babies often pass stools smoothly after having bananas
    4. Treat diarrhea: Unripe bananas with apple or baby cereal can help in treating diarrhea, though you must seek your baby's pediatrician advice in such a case.
    5. Convenience food: It comes in as a handy food for babies when traveling as it just needs to be peeled, mashed and eaten

    Can Banana Be Given To A Baby During Cold?

    In my opinion, you can give a banana to your baby during cold & cough but only in moderation. I have to do this because my son is hooked to eating bananas all the time and I simply cannot keep him away from them! However, I avoid feeding a whole banana to my son in cold because it is a “cold food” and can aggravate the cold & cough sometimes. It seemed ineffective in aggravating my case. So, it's totally your call on the basis of your knowledge about your kid's health.

    Can Banana Help In Baby Constipation?

    You will be surprised to know that contrary to popular belief that bananas cause constipation, they actually help in smooth bowel movements in babies and adults alike. Bananas are rich in fiber and assist with healthy digestion. I actually double my son's banana intake if he ever gets constipated! However, bananas work for baby constipation only when they are ripe - the riper the better.

    Bananas are a very rich and wholesome fruit. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals that your baby needs during the early stages of growth. This is why including bananas in your little one's diet is a great idea. However, you must ensure that you give bananas to your baby mostly during the day as this is the best time for most fruits to be eaten and digested well. Apart from this, there is no reason for you to worry about.

    So, go ahead and grab a banana for your munchkin!


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