1. What If Celebrating First ...

What If Celebrating First Holi With Your Baby?

0 to 1 years

Cheena Maini Gujral
6 years ago

What If Celebrating First Holi With Your Baby?

My boy was just 4 months when his first holi knocked the calendar. As a new mum I was very happy to celebrate the festival of colors with my angel, meanwhile, my mind was full of anxiousness as to what is safe for a newborn and how shall I proceed with the preparations? Hopefully, by the end of the day, everything went well with beautiful pictures in our scrapbook. So this holi, I am sharing a few thoughts that may help mums to deal merrily with Holi fears.

How To Celebrate First Holi With Your New Born Baby?

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    What You Should Do If Celebrating First Holi With Your Baby? In young babies from the age of 0 to 1 year, it is very crucial to be cautious with colors and water during Holi. In such infancy, the age of baby majorly decides how she will be a part of your festive day. Sometimes under 6 months baby will be excited to see you madly wrapped in colors or to the contrast, they may act too naive to recognize parents and feel lost and irritated. Thus the best way is to judge your babies mood and plan the day accordingly.

    • If your baby is not comfortable, plan a party at home with familiar faces only. Simply get together with no high noises
    • If your baby is friendly and goes easy with clamor, you can try hands-on outdoor party
    • Feeling lucky? ask help from grandparents/ friends, who can babysit and don't mind staying clean on holi

    Tips To Celebrate The Rowdy Festival, Safely With Your Infants

    • Never forget to keep your baby comfortable and happy. Feed her well and make her sleep to stay good through the day
    • Holi colors are agent of irritation for sensitive skin. So prefer homemade colors or buy genuine organic colors for your baby. Personal tip: Use haldi, kumkum, sandalwood or kesar tilak to mark color on tiny foreheads
    • Flower petals are always a delight to play holi with. Keep a basket full of petals and ask the guests to shower them on your baby
    • Apply moisturiser or simply petroleum jelly over exposed skin of infants. This will keep them safe from colors
    • Pull on full sleeve clothes and socks to avoid any direct contact of colors on your baby's skin

    Holi Precautions To Be Taken With Infants And Toddlers

    There are simple tricks that can help in preventing any undesirable things during holi celebrations with babies

    • Avoid leaving your baby unattended. As there are some unavoidable dangers around like water pools, buckets, hard colors and bhang filled food
    • Staying indoor with infants during holi is much preferable. Use pure colors and avoid water splashes with Pichkaris to keep your baby free from chilly wetness
    • Small get togethers with familiar faces can add on fun to holi day for you and baby, both. The known faces tend to keep babies comfortable than non familiar ones
    • If you are going out to have a gala time, don't forget to carry umbrella. This will keep the splashes and water balloons away from baby
    • Avoid direct contact of baby with colors. You can politely ask guests to use flower over colors for the little face
    • High music,noisy screams are difficult for a baby to accept as fun themes, so stay calm and enjoy hard


    Hoping these simple yet important steps will help you make this holi as an notable day. Don't force the festivities on babies, they are delicate to handle and too silly to understand the cultural ways.

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