1. Can Fenugreek Help In In ...

Can Fenugreek Help In Increasing Breast Milk Supply?

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Swati C Sharma


7 years ago

 Can Fenugreek Help In Increasing Breast Milk Supply?

Breast milk is the first and the best nutrition for a baby, but what if there is not enough supply? One cannot give up on breastfeeding given it's benefits for the baby. So let us understand if eating fenugreek seeds can actually help build milk supply, given the fact that it has been believed to be a excellent galactagogue for some mothers for centuries. Here is some information to help us all –

How Can Fenugreek Help Increase Breast Milk Supply?

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    Fenugreek has been believed to have excellent galactogenic properties – having unique properties that not only boost the breast milk supply but also improves the quality. Fenugreek is basically an herb, and it is the herb's seeds that are used to increase milk supply. The key ingredient in the seed is diosgenin that helps in increasing the milk flow and improve the milk quantity. The herb has been used by mid-wives, mothers and dayimaas for centuries to help boost breast milk supply.

    How To Eat Fenugreek Seeds To Boost Breast Milk Supply Fast?

    You can use fenugreek seed grounded into powder and use it as a tea. Or you can also buy fenugreek capsules to boost the breast milk supply faster as the herb is in concentrated form in the capsule. You can also swallow a spoonful of them with water , though they may taste bitter. Grind the seeds into a powder and add them to all your food – like curries and daals.

    How Long Will It Take To Boost Milk Supply With Fenugreek Seeds?

    Some women notice an increase in production of breast milk in 24 to 72 hours, while some may take about 2 weeks. It depends on quantity intake and the concentration of the seeds. It needs to be mentioned here that all mothers are unique and some women may actually have no effect of having fenugreek seeds.

    What Is The Dosage Of Fenugreek Seeds To Increase Milk Supply?

    If you are taking capsules, then 2-3 capsules a day, taken by mouth should be good enough to boost breast milk production. Make sure each capsule does not go beyond 580 mg to 610 mg. If you are having fenugreek tea, take no more than 3 cups a day. This works for women who need moderate increase in milk supply – there may be need of higher dosages for women who need more boost.

    Can Fenugreek Cause Gas In Babies?

    Yes, in some mothers and their babies, fenugreek can cause gas and babies may appear colicky. You can deal with this by using fenugreek atleast two hours before nursing your baby and take other measures to dispel the gas.

    An important fact to note here is that if you do start taking fenugreek seeds for boosting milk supply, do not abruptly discontinue the use. Decrease the consumption slowly and gradually so that the milk supply does not get affected. Also, make sure that you nurse and pump frequently and the baby is latched well while feeding. We have a detailed article on boosting milk supply with fenugreek seeds. Do visit the blog and let us know if it helped you.

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