1. Exploring VBAC (Vaginal B ...

Exploring VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean)




3 months ago

Exploring VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean)

In the previous two blogs we explored the various aspects of a natural birth and a Cesarean- section. In this blog I would like to explore the aspects of VBAC.
VBAC as the name suggests is a practice where the mother with previous c-sections chooses to deliver the baby through vagina. Research suggests that VBAC is better than a repeat c-section.

Lets look at the various factors that need to be kept in check when opting for VBAC

Acceptable conditions include:
•The previous cesarean(s) involved low transverse incision
•The original reason for a Cesarean delivery is not repeated with this pregnancy
•The mother doesn’t have any major medical problems
•Baby is of normal size
•The baby is in head-down position

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    Some contraindication for VBAC include:
    •Unknown uterine incision(s)
    •Previous surgical procedure like hysterectomy (Major abdominal surgery to reach the uterus done in case of fetal surgeries and in rare cases of abortions)
    •Previous uterine rupture
    •Less than two years from previous delivery

    What are the other factors where a VBAC may be discouraged?
    •The mother is above 40.
    •The mother is obese.
    •The mother is having various health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems.
    •The previous cesarean involved low vertical incision, classical incision, T-shaped, inverted T-shaped or J-shaped incision.
    •More than one previous cesarean.
    •Presence of more than one fetus.
    •Gestation beyond 40 weeks.
    •Fetus macrosomia (fetus greater than 4 kg – 4.5kg)

    What may be the risks involved when opting for a VBAC birthing process?
    •Less than one percent chance of uterine rupture
    •Risk of infection doubles if vaginal delivery is attempted but results in cesarean
    •The financial implications increase if VBAC attempt fails and result in cesarean
    •Usual risks of normal delivery

    Benefits of VBAC include all benefits of normal delivery and negate the risks of surgery. Moreover it is important to highlight that if a woman plans for more children then more the number of C-section; more will be the surgical complications making VBAC a viable choice.
    Choosing for VBAC should be accompanied by the choice of practitioner who too believes and supports the practice of VBAC. The birthing place should be equipped with equipment and procedures supporting VBAC. Last but not the least, what matters most is your own belief in your body, mind and soul that you are capable of giving birth to your child naturally.
    Before concluding I would like to share that when I opted for VBAC, I got quite heartbroken to know that I was falling under the category where in trying for VBAC was not obviously suggested as my previous c-section was a classical vertical incision type. However, I kept faith in myself, discussed heart to heart with my gynecologist about my deep intent of giving birth naturally. My doctor really demystified the whole air and explained that she was ninety percent sure of my success and the rest ten percent is her job to tackle.

    Today I am glad that I did take the call and went in for a VBAC as the experience that I got was nothing as compared to the C-section birthing process that I had gone through the first time.

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