1. 12 Easy Exercises That He ...

12 Easy Exercises That Help To Reduce Tummy After Delivery

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Harleen Gupta


3 years ago

12 Easy Exercises That Help To Reduce Tummy After Delivery
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First of all, congratulations on becoming a mommy! Join the gang! You have added a feather to your hat. Giving birth is the most fulfilling yet difficult task a woman has to face in her life. From nurturing life within herself to giving birth to a beautiful baby, being a mommy isn't a cake walk. Especially when you are likely to put on loads of weight and pile on excess fat on the tummy, getting back to your normal self after delivery can take a while.

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12 Easy Exercises That Help To Reduce Tummy After Delivery

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    Gaining those extra pounds was easy, but loosing those will be difficult yet possible. It will need time, patience, courage and will power to get back to your waistline. So are you ready to take up the challenge and start your exercise routine to burn that tummy fat? Then try on some of my favorite, easy yet effective tummy exercises to get you back into your old jeans! (Do access yourself before starting any type of exercise)

    1. Brisk Walk: The best and most effective for overall fitness; trust me! Start walking for at least 20-30 minutes in your garden, park or neighborhood. Gradually increase duration after 2 weeks. Bring along your baby in a pram so that you don't have to worry about a crying baby at home! You will get fresh air and a warm up for more rigorous exercises
    2. Floor Exercise: Sit on the floor with your legs stretched in the front. Pull your arms straight in the air and bring them down to the floor. You have to try touching your feet. I know it will be tough in the beginning but totally worth it! Repeat in sets of 5 at least 2 times a day
    3. Twister Exercise: Invest in a good twisting machine or do it at home without one. Simply stretch and twist yourself for good 10-15 minutes while standing straight. Stretch equally for both left and right side. You will start feeling energetic and the post pregnancy lethargy will also fade with time
    4. Crunches: This is what I call "Mother of all exercises". Pretty hard to do and show amazing results. Lie down on the floor with your hands behind the neck and your legs folded 45 degree. Try to get up and move toward your knee as much as you can. Do sets of 25 every day
    5. Planks: Must have heard the term from some gym freaks? There's a reason why plank exercises are so popular. They can be done almost anywhere and show wonderful results if done properly. Place yourself on your elbows, forefeet and forearms. Try to maintain this position for as long as you can. You must not move during this exercise. Increase the duration of stay gradually. It will work up your belly muscles very fast
    6. Floor Sit ups: One of the best and easy to do anywhere. Lie down on back and place your hands behind neck and do your sit up by moving upward. Take it slow and do not rush. Do this in sets of at least 10 twice a day
    7. Leg Raise: These are quite painful in the initial days as they work the leg muscles as well as strengthen the belly muscles. Lie down on the floor and try to raise both your legs together at same level. Stay in the position for at least 3-4 seconds in the beginning and release position. Do this exercise in sets of 20 at least 2 times a day
    8. Cobra Pose Exercise: If you love yoga, you will love doing it. Lay down on the floor with tummy facing ground. Place your palms on the floor right next to your shoulder and your elbow should be tucked in next to your ribs. Slowly lift your head and neck up without straining yourself
    9. Pelvic Floor Exercises: You must have heard about the importance of pelvic floor exercises all throughout pregnancy but they are equally important after delivery too. Sit on the floor and try to tighten pelvic floor muscles for as long as you can with a set of 10-15 at one go. Keep breathing as normally as possible
    10. Pass the ball: A new sort of a crunching exercise has come up these days. Sit on the floor and raise both your legs while crossing them. Then, try to pass an invisible ball from left side to right side. This way you are twisting, stretching and crunching at the same time! Cool, isn't it?
    11. Swimming: The most relaxing of all exercise regimes! Put on your swim suit, no matter how fat you feel you are and dive into the swimming pool. Not only will your work on your whole body but the tummy muscles will get an extra kick and tighten fast without you feeling stressed or worked out!
    12. Lying Down Cycling: Lie down on the floor and raise your legs in the air with your knees bent 45 degree. Now try to do invisible cycling while lying down. Continue for about 10 seconds in the beginning and gradually increase difficulty. You will not only burn that extra belly fat but also strengthen your leg & thigh muscles

    I know it will be tough in the beginning and you will feel let down by your own body. But that's simply because your body has undergone such a big trauma of giving birth. I have also listed some simple home remediesĀ for weight loss after delivery, you can try them too! Trust your body, give it time to heal and work on your strengths. That tiny waist will not be a far off dream anymore, Good luck!

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