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Home Remedies For Dandruff In Your Child

3 to 7 years

Chayanika Sen


9 months ago

Home Remedies For Dandruff In Your Child

Dandruff is a quite a common problem in children. Its symptoms include excessive flaking, itching, dryness, frizzy hair and tingling sensation. Children get irritated with the itching sensation and often scratch their heads resulting in inflammation and small wounds in the scalp. Hence it becomes inevitable for parents to ensure prevention and remedies for dandruff in their growing children.

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Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dandruff In Your Child

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    Here are some of the home remedies you can try to get rid of dandruff in your child's hair.

    Vinegar – Your Friend In The Kitchen

    White vinegar as well as Apple cider vinegar are both effective home remedies to get rid of dandruff. Apple cider vinegar is known to be a natural clarifier for hair and is said to clean hair follicles and clogged pores. White vinegar on the other hand is a source of acetic acid preventing growth of fungi on the scalp and providing relief and comfort. It is best to mix these with double quantity of water and then use the mixture for rinsing hair. A rinse with this mixture followed by cold water bath provides an effective solution against dandruff in your child.

    Oil It To Reduce Itching

    Virgin olive oil helps in fighting dryness of the scalp. Massaging hair with lukewarm olive oil and washing off hair after a few hours may relieve itching from dandruff. Coconut oil with its antifungal properties also helps to combat dandruff. Coconut oil contains capric acid which is known to have very strong anti fungal activity. Mixing a few drops of lemon juice in coconut oil and using it for massaging the child’s hair would also have excellent results. It not only fights dandruff but also moisturises the child’s scalp and prevents itching.

    Yogurt – Not Just To Eat But To Apply As Well

    The anti-bacterial properties of yogurt combat dandruff. Applying yogurt on the scalp and washing off hair after half an hour to one hour can yield excellent results. Yogurt is acidic and rich in enzymes and keeps dandruff production in check.

    1. Mix of yogurt and egg: Prepare a mixture out of a cup of yogurt and an egg. Beat it well to form a fine paste and apply this all over hair and scalp of the child. Let this be on for about an hour and then wash off hair using a shampoo. This mixture helps in getting rid of bacteria causing dandruff
    2. Gram flour and yogurt: A paste is to be prepared by mixing gram flour and yogurt in equal quantities. The paste is to be applied on the scalp and left to dry for about an hour or so and then washed off. This keeps the child’s hair and scalp moisturised and prevents build up of white dead cells leading to dandruff
    3. Mixture of yogurt and lemon: Prepare a mixture of thick yogurt and lemon juice and mix it well. Apply thoroughly to cover complete scalp. Leave it for some time and then shampoo hair. This mixture reduces flaky deposits on the scalp. Lemon is known to be an excellent exfoliant and its acidic properties help scrape off dandruff sediments from the scalp

    Traditional Garlic Paste Therapy

    Applying a mix of grated garlic cloves and water can help get rid of dry white flakes on the hair. Anti-fungal properties of garlic help in preventing dandruff.

    Fresh Aloe Vera Gel Application

    Aloe Vera is known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Its gel extracted from aloe Vera plants has a thick consistency and is transparent and its application before hair wash results in cooling effect.

    Neem – The Best Natural Remedy

    Neem also possesses anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Its medicinal value for skin ailments is very well accepted. Applying neem paste on scalp before head wash can yield effective results as fungal infections on the scalp are the root cause of dandruff.

    Baking Soda With Shampoo

    Adding baking soda to shampoo while washing a child’s hair can work wonders. Being an excellent scrub, baking soda can gently exfoliate the child’s scalp. This prevents production of white flakes and dandruff.

    Common Salt Or Small Sugar Cubes

    Common salt or small sugar cubes may be rubbed on the scalp. These generally act as abrasive agents, remove dead skin and make scalp cleaner. Shaking head thoroughly for removing these small particles and then washing hair may prevent increase of dandruff.

    Apple Juice

    Grind an apple and mix the paste with water to dilute it. Use this to massage the child’s hair gently so as to cover all hair shafts. Warm water mixed in apple juice helps in unclogging pores. “Phenolase” and enzyme present in apples aids in reduction of dead skin cells.

    Fenugreek Seed Paste

    Fenugreek seeds prevent hair fall and production of dandruff. Soaked and grinded fenugreek paste may be applied on hair shafts and then washed off after some time. It works wonders in combating dandruff.

    These simple home remedies can be quite soothing for a child who suffers from dandruff.


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