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Color Blindness Symptoms, Causes and Ways to Identify

1 to 3 years

Aparna Jha


3 years ago

Color Blindness Symptoms, Causes and Ways to Identify
Eyecare & Vision

The senses are a kind of reason. Taste, touch, and smell, hearing and seeing, are not merely a means to sensation, enjoyable or otherwise, but they are also a means to knowledge and are, indeed, your only actual means to knowledge. -St. Thomas Aquinas

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One cannot be oblivious to the fact that colors are vibrant, aesthetic and alluring; they definitely add value and beauty to things. But, what if your younger one fails to identify and differentiate between colors; this could be an indication of your baby suffering from color blindness.

What is Colour Blindness?

When your child finds it problematic to differentiate between various colors, he is suffering from color blindness. For instance, red – green, blue – yellow is remarkably most familiar color blind form. Colour blind people are generally considered to be unsuitable for jobs such as armed forces, pilot, Indian railway and forest services, etc.

Symptoms of Color Blindness in Children

  1. Weak in identifying colors and inattentive during coloring activities
  2. Sensitive to bright colors and night vision is exceptionally well.
  3. Utilizing incorrect color to fill any painting or drawing, such as using yellow colors to shade clouds instead of blue.
  4. Facing complications while reading with colored sheets.
  5. If your toddler experiences eye irritation or headache while seeing things on a green or red background.
  6. Keenly observe if your younger one faces trouble while differentiating color pencils or crayons of red and green color.

Causes of Colour Blindness

  1. The cone cells present in our eyes pick up various colors- red, blue and green, these cells have the ability to make a distinction between colors. The normal kid has three cone cells, on the other hand, color-blind children have only two cone cells present in their eyes.
  2. It is genetic and is inherited from parents
  3. If your baby has undergone an eye injury


How to Test Colour Blindness in Toddlers?

On a sheet of paper, draw something and fill it with diverse colors. Now, play a little game with him asking him to identify all the various colors used by you. Avoid showing them all the colors distinctively and instruct them to recognize all the colors simultaneously. This is the stage where you can ensure if your infant is suffering from color blindness.

No treatment is available for dealing with color blindness. However, medical practitioners prescribe tinted glasses to enhance the visual experience with colors. One cannot turn a deaf ear towards the peculiarity of sense organs, as it is wisely said by Nicoletta Baumeister that “what greater gift than being able to communicate and enable our fellow humans the sensations of being alive”.                                                     -

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