The initial 5-7 years are very essential for your child's health in preventing him/her from deadly disease such as polio drops, chickenpox etc. Like polio being an infectious viral disease caused by a virus that attacks child's nervous system, against which immunization in the form of Pulse Polio drop is given. When it comes to your baby's health, you want to be absolutely sure and safe. Hence you want to know all the whys and whens of vaccinations to be administered to your child from the time of birth. Keeping that in mind, paediatricians at the time of birth hand out a vaccination schedule to the parents. This vaccination schedule has a list of all the mandatory and optional vaccines that your baby will require as she grows up to protect her from various diseases.
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With inputs from Dr Shipra Mathur, Senior Consultant, Paediatrics and Neonatology, Fortis Hospital, Gurgaon, we have put together a quick roundup of the same.
Newborn Baby Vaccination Chart/Immunization Schedule
There are three vaccines which are given as soon as the baby is born. These are:
- BCG: The Bacillus Calmette–Guérin is a vaccine given to prevent tuberculosis. It is a mandatory vaccine as there is a global attempt by health agencies to eradicate TB totally, especially in high-propensity countries like India. BCG vaccine may leave a small scar on the arm.
- OPV: Oral polio vaccine is given to protect against the crippling polio disease and is also mandatory. Again the reason why it is compulsory is not just for the safety of one individual child but also to eradicate the disease completely. These are given as drops to infants.
- HEPATITIS B (1st dose): This vaccine prevents liver infections caused by the Hepatitis virus and it is mandatory at the time of birth, however 2 or 3 doses of the vaccine are recommended. Also, doctors suggest that the vaccine be given right at the time of birth and booster doses be planned later. Know more on baby vaccines given at birth-time.
Baby Vaccination Schedule: Month-wise
Here is the list of vaccinations which every child require to protect him/her from various diseases as he/she grows.
0-18 Months Baby Vaccination Chart/Schedule |
Vaccination Months | What Vaccines |
1 Month | HEPATATIS B (2nd Dose) |
2 Month |
- DPT/DTap (1st Dose)
- HIB (1st Dose)
- ROTAVIRUS(1st Dose)
- PCV(1st Dose)
3 Month |
- DPT/DTap (2nd Dose)
- HIB (2nd Dose)
- ROTAVIRUS(2nd Dose)
- PCV (2nd Dose)
4 Month |
- DTP/DTap(3rd Dose)
- HIB(3rd Dose)
- PCV(3rd Dose)
- ROTAVIRUS(3rd Dose)
6 Month | Hepatitis B(3rd Dose) |
9 Month | MMR(measles, mumps and rubella) |
12 Month | Hepatitis A |
15-18 Month | MMR (Booster Dose) |
Month wise Vaccinations Calendar
Now suggest you to read in detail about each must-have child vaccine ...
#1. Vaccines at 1 Month (For 5 Weeks) Old Baby:
In this month, primarily only one vaccine is given which is HEPATATIS B (2nd Dose): At first month, the 2nd dose of Hepatitis is given.
#2. Vaccines at 2 Month(For 10 Weeks) Old Baby:
In the second month, the child is vaccinated, with the first dose, against a host of diseases such as whooping cough and meningitis etc.
- OPV1/OPV1+IPV1 (Inactivated Polio Vaccine): These are also vaccines given to protect against Polio, but this is in injection form and is given on the infant’s thigh.
- DPT/DTap (1st dose): 1st dose of these vaccine prevents Diphtheria (upper respiratory illness), Pertussis (Whooping Cough) and Tetanus in children and it is a mandatory vaccine. For complete dosage, the infant has to get 3 shots of DPT/DTap vaccine within the 1st year of birth. This is also injected on the thigh.
- Hib 1st dose (haemophilus influenza type B vaccine): Hib vaccine prevents serious infections caused by a type of bacteria called Haemophilus influenzae type b. These infections include meningitis (an infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord), pneumonia (lung infection), and epiglottises (a severe throat infection).
- ROTAVIRUS: 1st dose of this vaccine is given to provide protection against rotavirus attack which is a leading cause of diarrhoea and other gastroenteritis disorders.
- PCV: 1st dose Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: This vaccine gives protection against 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria that all cause pneumococcal disease such as pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis. PCV is a slightly expensive vaccine but it also depends on the brand the doctor advices.
Take Precautions: Mild fever after these vaccines is common and the pediatrician will prescribe some medicine for it.
#3. Vaccines at 3 Month (For 15 Weeks) Old Baby:
This month the second doses of all the vaccines, administered in the 1st month, are given...
- OPV2/OPV2+IPV2: Which stands for Oral Polio vaccine and inactivated polio vaccine in the 3rd month, the 2nd dose of Polio is given.
- DPT/DTap: 2nd dose of these vaccines is also given
- HIb: 2nd dose administered
- ROTAVIRUS: 2nd dose given
- PCV: 2nd dose Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is given.
#4. Vaccines at 4 Month(For 20 Weeks) Old Baby:
During the 4th month, the 3rd doses of most vaccines are given...
- OPV3/OPV3+IPV3: These are the 3rd doses to provide complete protection against polio.
- DTP/DTap: 3rd dose given
- Hib: 3 rd dose is given
- PCV: 3rd dose
- ROTAVIRUS: 3rd dose
#5. Vaccination at 6 Month(30 Weeks) Old Baby:
Hepatitis B: 3rd dose is given
#6. Vaccines at 9 Month (For 45 Weeks) Old Baby:
MMR: This vaccine is given to protect against measles, mumps and rubella.
#7. Vaccines at 12 Month(For 60 Weeks) Old Baby:
Hepatitis A: Once the course of Hepatitis B vaccines is over, the doctor suggests a shot of vaccine to protect against Hepatitis A. This is given after the 1st birthday as two shots 6 months apart.
#8. Vaccines at 15-18 Months (Upto 75 -90 weeks) Old Infant:
- MMR: A booster dose of MMR is given at this stage
- Varicella vaccine: Varicella vaccine, also known as chickenpox vaccine, is a vaccine that protects against chickenpox. One dose of vaccine prevents 95% of moderate disease and 100% of severe disease. Two doses of vaccine is more effective. The first dose is given at this stage.
- PCV: booster dose is administered
- IPV+OPV booster is given
As the child grows, there are some more vaccines that can be administered. Check with your pediatrician for these.
Things to Know about Baby Vaccinations
Here are some more pointers to know about baby vaccinations:
- Most experts advice that a gap of minimum one month should be maintained between two doses of vaccine.
- Take your vaccine chart along with you to double check on what vaccine is due. This also helps you keep a tab of the vaccines administered already.
- Vaccines are of different brands and your pediatrician will suggest accordingly.
- Do not feed your child heavily just before vaccinations. Children tend to cry in pain and this can lead to vomiting. Ensure the child is fed but lightly.
- To provide comfort to the baby, try and breastfeed the baby after the vaccination.
- If the child is on solid food, but is not taking food after vaccination, don’t force feed. Instead, let the child be.
- 2-4 days of changes in eating pattern and moods is commonly observed.
- Do not massage the area where the shot was given for upto 3 days.
- Many babies may get slight fever and it may last for 2-3 days. In such a situation ask your pediatrician for medicines.
To eradicate the poliovirus from India, the government is running the immunization program every year across the country. Do not compromise with your child's health and take him/her for the polio drops vaccination camp near your place on Dates 28 Jan & 11th March 2018. Happy Babycare...