How important is boredom ...
But in today’s era it is believed that from boredom stems creativity and hence it is important for your child to feel bored from time to time. Before we go deep into this let’s learn what is boredom? And why is it important for your child.
Boredom as defined by a dictionary is a state of nothingness where the person is not interested in doing even the routine tasks and feels lethargic and lazy.
Well, by that definition how important is boredom for your child.
Boredom may be an inherent part of life for practically everyone, but it needn't be destructive. While being busy has perhaps become a status symbol and a mark of prestige nowadays. It should be channelized. In fact, we are at our most creative phase when we are idle or getting bored. My interest for writing aroused when I started getting bored, and that was the most creative thing happened to me which I never realized before. Just like I found my calling when I was getting bored help your child find his or her calling when he or she complains of getting bored.
Here are few things that boredom helps in when your child says he or she is getting bored. Help your child channelize his or her nothingness into something creative.
Sometimes over occupancy in any field be it a reading, partying, playing etc, can also lead to boredom as the child is not getting any free time wherein he or she can think and digest what all he or she is learning. In addition, the over-occupancy gives the child an impression that the life is meant to be – always on the go and if you slow down you will lose. Hence from time to time let your child get bored and avoid rushing him or her from one activity to other to let the feeling of getting bored set in and something creative comes out of it.
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