1. Joint family -- a boon fo ...

Joint family -- a boon for both mom and child

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Arika Tiwari


3 years ago

Joint family -- a boon for both mom and child
Social & Emotional

Nuclear families come with their own benefits, perhaps the biggest being a sense of independence. However, the very things that we could count on while being part of a joint household in terms of help and support are those we now seek outside, and at considerable expense. Living and growing up with different family members offers a wealth of knowledge, security and experience.

What Are The Benefits Of Joint Family System?

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    So here, I would like to highlight the benefits of being a part of a joint family-

    1. Add value while saving money: Being a working parent, you probably opt for day-care services to care for your child while at work. Living in a joint family can help cut down on this cost significantly, while giving the reassurance that your child is definitely being cared for in the best way, by family and in a home environment. The money saved on day-care expenses can also be invested in mutual funds/SIP towards your child's future!
    2. Special time for self-care: You can have time to care for yourself and spend it peacefully whether it is in a beauty parlour, gym or yoga classes or a party. When you know there is someone at home who is more experienced than you, you will be least worried about your child. Women who have time to relax and take care of themselves make better mothers and wives!
    3. Assisted development: In nuclear families, children usually spend most of their time with mom and dad. A common scene is one or both parents coming home tired at the end of a day's work, often too tired to talk or play with their child. This could affect your child's emotional and physical growth adversely too, for example by causing delayed speech development. While living in a joint family, you would not require a speech therapist for speech delay as your child will have enough people to talk to him/her rather than only you and only your partner
    4. Safe environment: Living in a joint family offers your child a lot of physical and social security. Whenever your child needs a change, you need not send him/ her over to a friend's home, as in a joint family your child will be able to interact with all kinds of people of all age groups
    5. Helping fussy eaters: While eating daily meals together with other family members, your child will grow to appreciate food differently seeing different people eating and enjoying different types of food, rather than eating less while just watching TV and mobile games for company
    6. Gaining traditional and cultural knowledge: Growing up with our grandparents and aunts and uncles provides exposure to the wide experience of elders and their collective knowledge, which will not only help our kids but ourselves as well to learn new things whether it's about food, health, traditional remedies and know-how like Nanima ke nukse etc. This provides invaluable experience and knowledge which helps our children view themselves and the world differently and perhaps one day they can pass on the same understanding to their children too!

    I can understand it's difficult for most ladies to adjust with their in-laws and relatives, but if we can compromise a bit, there will be more advantages for you and your child. I sincerely hope that you take this article positively and highlight a more positive aspect of being a part of a joint family.

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