1. 7 Benefits Of Eating Hone ...

7 Benefits Of Eating Honey During Pregnancy


Priyanka Chakrabarti
1 years ago

7 Benefits Of Eating Honey During Pregnancy

Only For Pro


Reviewed by expert panel

Huda Shaikh

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Are you in your early pregnancy days? We know the feeling. But, guess what! We have the perfect thing for you that will ease your early pregnancy discomforts – honey! There are many benefits of honey in pregnancy. Keep reading to know all about it!

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Why Is Honey Beneficial During Pregnancy?

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    A spoonful of honey has an abundance of dietary antioxidants. Stir some honey in your warm cup of adrak chai or perhaps mix some honey with lukewarm lemon water; these are great remedies to cure morning sickness or stuffy nose. Now, did you know, a tall glass of warm milk blended with honey can comfort heartburn and diarrhoea? Yes, that’s true. From indigestion to a sore throat, and from wounds to coughs – honey is the best natural ingredient that should be your kitchen staple during pregnancy.

    What Are The Benefits Of Honey in Pregnancy?

    1. Decreases Allergies:

      Honey is known for reducing seasonal allergies because local honey has pollen in it. So, if consumed daily, honey when pregnant can build immunity in the body towards pollen and other seasonal allergies
    2. Pacifies Cough:

      Got a cough and cold while pregnant? We know you want to avoid heavy medications and courses of antibiotics as much as possible during this phase. So, go grab that bottle of honey! Honey is a great natural ingredient to reduce a cough and cold during pregnancy. Have it with ginger or lemon water to soothe a sore throat. Honey also helps in clearing mucus
    3. Eases Insomnia:

      Honey plus milk is the best concoction to cure insomnia in pregnancy. Mix one teaspoon of honey in a warm cup of milk and have it before bedtime to sleep like a baby
    4. Reduces Heartburn & Indigestion:

      Heartburn and indigestion are common problems in pregnancy; especially during the third trimester. Now, a glassful of warm milk mixed with honey can ease the discomfort. Try today!
    5. Rich In Antioxidants:

      We have already mentioned that honey is a rich source of dietary antioxidants. But, did you know honey also has lots of flavonoids? So, if you eat honey regularly, it will keep oxidative stress at bay. Moreover, honey also aids in the development of the baby
    6. Heals Burns & Wounds:

      Honey is known to be a natural painkiller. So, if you get hurt or accidentally get burnt during pregnancy, do apply honey topically to reduce the pain and heal the wound, instead of popping pain-killers
    7. Treats Ulcers & Gastrointestinal Troubles:

      Honey is known to prevent the growth of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach. Now, this bacterium causes ulcers. So, eating honey can shrink its occurrence. Lastly, honey and water are known to boost new tissues

    How Much Honey Can You Eat While Pregnant?

    Firstly, everything is great until the time you have it in moderation. One tablespoon of honey includes nearly 8.6 gm of fructose. Now, according to the World Health Organization guidelines – one should limit intake of free sugars to under 25 gm every day. This equals out to under 10% of total energy intake for the day. And since this comprises sugar from all dietary sources, you may not want to use it all up on honey.

    Things To Keep In Mind Before Eating Honey:

    • Avoid adding honey to piping hot beverages. It eradicates its healthy enzymes
    • Never add honey to foods that are rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin D as the minerals present in honey will quash the benefits of these vitamins
    • Do not mix honey and bean curd as it can invite indigestion

    How To Choose The Right Honey in Pregnancy?

    • Buy a brand that sells pasteurized honey
    • Organic honey is a good idea because it goes through minimal processing
    • You should always consult your doctor for advice before picking up a brand during pregnancy

    Was this blog helpful to you? Do you know of more benefits of honey in pregnancy? Do share it with us in the comments section below.

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