1. Nutritional Benefits, Sid ...

Nutritional Benefits, Side Effects of Buttermilk(Chhachh) For Toddlers

1 to 3 years

Ambili S Kartha


11 months ago

Nutritional Benefits, Side Effects of Buttermilk(Chhachh) For Toddlers

Who can turn down a chilled glass of buttermilk in summer days? It is not only refreshing but healthy too. Moreover, with zero chemicals it is considered as a healthy substitute for an aerated drink. Buttermilk, also known as tak, chhachh, neer mor or morum vellam in the different parts of the country has been a much-loved drink during the hot summer months for ages. What about giving buttermilk to a toddler? Is it safe? What are the benefits of buttermilk for the child? If you are interested, continue reading to know more the use of buttermilk for kids.

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What Is Buttermilk(Chhachh)?

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    Usually, buttermilk refers to the leftover, after churning of butter out of cream. Therefore, in spite of the name buttermilk, this drink practically has little or no butter left in it. However, nowadays buttermilk means curd that has been diluted and beaten well. It has all the qualities of milk yet tastes different.

    What Are The Nutritional Benefits Of Chhachh For Toddler?

    Buttermilk(छाछ) is rich in macronutrients. It has ample amount of Calcium (essential for strong bones and teeth.), vitamin D (helps the body absorb calcium), Vitamin B12 (helps to convert the glucose present in the blood to energy) and other minerals. It has essential enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates, and minimal lipids. Therefore, even if your toddler is not fond of milk, a glass of buttermilk guarantees all the nutrients she gets from a glass of milk.

    Moreover, as over 90 percent of buttermilk is water, it is an excellent way to replace the water lost from the body during the summer.

    Is Buttermilk Safe For Infants?

    It is better to start giving buttermilk for infants after 11 months. This is because it can bring about allergies and all issues like the cow's milk as it has the same proteins found in normal milk.

    What Are The Health Benefits Of Buttermilk?

    Here are some of the benefits of buttermilk for your toddler:

    1. Buttermilk has a cooling effect on the digestive tract of the child:

      If given after the meal, buttermilk washes down the spicy ingredients of the food, thereby soothing the lining of the stomach
    2. Buttermilk is a very effective food if the child contract diarrhea:

      Toddlers can contract diarrhea due to quite a lot of reasons. One of the main causes is the bacterial infection of the gut. Buttermilk is excellent in controlling the bacterial infection of the gut. This can be effectively controlled with buttermilk. The good bacteria present in the buttermilk and the presence of lactic acid in buttermilk make it harder for the bad bacteria to flourish in the acidic condition
    3. Buttermilk encourages digestion and treats stomach ailments:

      Buttermilk aids in digestion. Buttermilk bacteria assist in the breaking down of food, thereby, helps with the easy absorption of nutrients. All the ingredients added to buttermilk are also good digestive agents. Ginger, pepper, and cumin well known for its excellent digestive properties. Some of the digestive ailments cured by buttermilk include lactose intolerance, Irregular bowel movements, Irritable bowel syndrome, and stomach infections.
    4. Buttermilk is an excellent food to combat jaundice and hepatitis:

      Both these health issues happen due to dysfunction of the liver. It is found that the lactic acid present in buttermilk helps to bring down the formation of ammonia, which is one of the causes of hepatitis and jaundice.
    5. Buttermilk effectively combats dehydration:

      Toddlers are very active and they sweat a lot during summer. This may lead to dehydration. Buttermilk not only rehydrates but also supplies essential electrolytes minerals and nutrients that normal water cannot supply
    6. Buttermilk helps to relieve constipation:

      Regularly consume buttermilk helps to relieve constipation in toddlers by facilitating the bowel movements
    7. Buttermilk can be used to combat cold

      Blending in some crushed garlic and ginger with buttermilk and giving it to the toddler a few times in the day helps to fight the common cold and runny nose
    8. Buttermilk is effective to treat sunburn

      If your toddler contracts sunburn while playing out, you can dab cool buttermilk on the affected area using cotton balls. This will cool the irritated skin faster
    9. Buttermilk is an excellent source of calcium:

      Buttermilk is also a good source of calcium, just like normal milk. Toddlers will not be happy to drink 2-3 glasses of milk daily. It is an excellent idea to swap a glass of milk with buttermilk. Most of the kids who show aversion towards milk is found to love buttermilk
    10. Buttermilk strengthens immunity

      Buttermilk is rich in lactic acid bacteria. This bacterium boosts the immune system and helps the body fight off harmful microbes present in everyday foods, thereby helps to keep illnesses at bay

    Does Buttermilk Pose Any Side Effects Or Health Risk In Toddlers?

    Generally, buttermilk is safe for the toddler. However, it is better to ask the doctor before giving it to the toddler if:

    • The toddler has a skin problem like eczema
    • The toddler develop allergic reactions to cow's milk
    • The buttermilk is the byproduct of extraction of cream from butter. This is because as the cream is stored for several days for the butter to get mounts up, harmful bacteria can build up in the butter and bring about throat infections and cold in toddlers. Please note that the buttermilk made from diluted yogurt, on the other hand, has only good bacteria and is very safe,/li>

    How To Make Buttermilk At Home?

    Here is a healthy buttermilk recipe

    Take yogurt or homemade curd in a blender. Add water to it. The quantity of water depends on the thickness of the curd. Start with one glass of curd and a half glass of water. You can increase the amount of water if needed. Add a pinch of salt. This is the basic buttermilk.

    You can add small quantities of ingredients like fenugreek powder, cumin powder, asafoetida, ginger, coriander leaves, small onions chopped, etc while mixing the curd and water in a blender. The choice is yours. Try randomly and your child will like any of these combinations. Only thing is strain thoroughly the buttermilk if you add ingredients other than salt.


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