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Pregnancy Diet: Foods to increase fetal weight during pregnancy


Puja Sharma Vasisht
2 years ago

Pregnancy Diet: Foods to increase fetal weight during pregnancy

Only For Pro


Reviewed by expert panel

Dr. Pooja Mittal

Nutritious foods

Congratulations if you are pregnant and progressing well till the time your doctor tells you that your baby’s weight is not increasing as it should. India has been a country with one of the highest shares (35%) of Low Birth Weight and preterm births in the world. Added to this worrisome fact are that premature birth and low birth weight account for more than 40% of overall child mortality in India. Therefore, it is really important for Indians (the entire south Asian region) expecting moms to take good care of fetal weight growth in the pregnancy months.

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The fetus is totally dependent on the mother for all its nutrition needs. A pregnant mother needs to take care of her diet to ensure a sufficient supply of blood and nutrients, to the fetus. There are studies that show that the role of good nutrition during pregnancy helps in fetal weight.

What is the Ideal Weight of a Foetus?

The following table is only to give you an idea, and not the ideal baby weight gain, week by week during pregnancy.

Pregnancy in Weeks

Weight (in Grams)







































































Which Foods Help Increase Baby Weight in Womb?

One of the studies in this area suggests that the most promising results come from the consumption of whole foods including fruit, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean meats. These might be beneficial toward producing an infant of appropriate birth weight.

Similarly, another study points to the fact that the contribution of common nutrients or other nutritional factors present in milk and protein promotes fetal growth. Therefore, it emphasizes the importance of maternal nutritional intake and the availability of nutrients contributing to adequate fetal growth.

You don’t have to eat for two people but be sensible and mindful to ensure that your unborn baby is growing and developing in a healthy manner. As an expecting mom, you need to have certain foods in your diet, to ensure that both your baby and your nutritional needs are met. 

Foods for Increasing Fetal Weight During Pregnancy

So, here is a compiled list of foods to eat or consume in pregnancy in order to increase the baby fetus gain weight. Also, citing the studies below may help in fetal growth for your unborn baby.

#1. Milk

The study suggests, a minimum intake of 200-500 ml per day, may have a positive effect on fetal weight. Milk not only provides good quality protein but is a good source of calcium; a nutrient equally important for your baby. Milk can be taken in plain form. If you are not too keen to take plain milk, you may take it as milkshakes or add it to any porridge-like oats/broken wheat /breakfast cereal, etc.

#2. Curd or Yogurt (Dahi) 

Another form in which milk can be taken is curd or yogurt. Adding a bowl of curd to your meals not only ensures a milk product, which is rich in protein but also helps keep your gut health as it is a source of lactic acid bacteria with probiotic properties. It can be taken in plain or raita form or even as lassi (buttermilk). 

#3. Cottage Cheese (Paneer) or Cheese 

Milk can also be included in the diet cottage cheese/cheese. Taking 40-50 grams of low-fat paneer/cheese is equivalent to a glass of milk. These can be added to foods like pasta, sandwich, salad, or stuffed roti. Avoid cheese if you are having high blood pressure during pregnancy. Take low-fat homemade paneer instead

#4. Legumes

Another important food group is legumes which are not only rich in proteins (especially if you are a vegetarian or vegan) but also provide much-needed iron, folic acid, and other nutrients like fibre. Do include, at least two servings of these in your daily diet to take care of your protein intake.

#5. Pulses

Pulses besides the usually cooked dal, you may also add pulse to the soup or add to veggies like bottle gourd/tori/spinach/chulai. A combination like this can take care of both iron and protein requirements.

#6. Sprouts 

Black Chana/Mung/lobia sprouts can also be included as they not only provide proteins but are rich in iron. Sprouting the content of vitamins like niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin C, etc may increase manifold. These sprouts can be blenderized to get a smooth paste and can be made into different types of cheela/pancakes.

#7. Soybean

Another important food in this group is Soybean. Soybean can be included in various forms in your diet like soy nuggets, tofu, soymilk, or even soybean flour. Soybean is one of the richest sources of protein for vegetarians. Soybean itself is rich in iron and if consumed in the form of tofu or bean curd, becomes a good source of calcium too. This is because soymilk is coagulated with calcium salts. Tofu can easily be used instead of paneer in most of its recipes. You can have tofu tikka or stir-fried tofu.

#8. Peas, Beans

These may be taken both in dried or fresh form. They not only provide protein but B complex vitamins, folic acid, and minerals like Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Copper. All these are required by the pregnant mother to maintain a healthy balanced diet. Besides, it has fiber which helps with constipation, common in pregnancy. These may be added to a variety of foods like soups, pasta, pulao, salads, etc.

#9. Chicken

If you have non-vegetarian food habits then you may include lean meats like chicken/low-fat fish. Proteins found in these foods are of superior quality. Lean meat/chicken/fish provide proteins that help in cell and muscle development in the baby. Besides protein, these foods also provide hemoglobin iron. Our body much more easily absorbs iron in haem form which in turn helps in pregnancy-induced anemia.

#10. Fish

Including fish also has the advantage of providing essential fats in the form of omega-3 fatty acids. They are required for the proper brain and overall development of the baby. You may go for lean meat as they are the best source of high-quality protein sans fats.

#11. Eggs

For a vegetarian mother, another option for an equally good source of proteins instead of flesh foods is an egg. Eggs especially are a source of good quality proteins and vitamins A, and D and minerals like iron, etc. In fact, eggs have the best protein (amino acid) profile and hence the proteins present in them are taken as reference proteins. That means the quality of proteins of other foods is matched against egg proteins. They are a good source of vitamins & minerals, especially folic acid, choline & iron. This help to keep the amniotic membranes strong and help in preventing birth defects in the fetus.

#12. Green Leafy Vegetables 

Especially dark green ones like mustard, amaranth, white goosefoot, chana saag, cauliflower, kale, leaves are rich in iron. Iron requirements are high during pregnancy to meet the growing needs of the fetus & maternal tissues. Make sure to take green leafy vegetables at least three times a week to get loads of vitamins, minerals & antioxidants.

#13. Spinach

Spinach is also a good source of folic acid. Folic acid is crucial for the brain development of the fetus. It also protects the baby from neural tube disorders.

#14. Broccoli

 This is another vegetable besides green leafy ones, which provides iron, beta carotene, vitamin E and Vitamin K.

#15. Carrots, Sweet Potato Pumpkin

These are another set of vegetables to be included in your diet. These vegetables are particularly rich in beta-carotene; a form of vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for the development of healthy eyes, lungs and skin of your baby.

#16. Citrus Fruits 

Especially orange is rich in vitamin C and folic acid (deficiency of folic acid may cause neural tube defects). These are also good sources of Thiamin and Potassium, and a very good source of dietary fiber, which helps in avoiding constipation common in pregnancy. Another important role of vitamin C is to help in iron absorption, especially from vegetarian diets. Besides citrus fruits, you may also include amla, and vegetables like red, green, and yellow capsicum, to provide vitamin C.

#17. Nuts 

Nuts like almonds, and peanuts may also be added to your diet to provide micronutrients like zinc, iron, copper, and folic acid. If taken in between your meals, they can be an excellent snack to munch on! These are a reasonably good source of proteins and healthy fats, ensuring a healthy weight gain of the fetus.

#18. Whole Grain Cereals

Last but not least, include whole grain cereals in your diet besides your regular staple. Whole grains like Dalia, Brown rice, and Millet should replace refined cereals in pregnant women’s diets. These are packed with nutrients like iron, selenium, magnesium and sufficient fiber besides carbohydrates. Including these in your snack recipes instead of refined cereals (like maida, cornflour), would definitely help to bridge the gap created by the increased requirements of pregnancy and supply with an imbalanced diet.

#19. Supplements

Iron, folic acid supplementation may also increase the birth weight of the infant.

What foods to avoid during pregnancy?

Seafood and fish that contain mercury like king mackerel, swordfish, shark, and tilefish should be kept off your pregnancy diet. Unpasteurized milk and milk products, fruit juices, etc. 

Alcohol:  alcohol has been known to increase the chances of miscarriage and stillbirth, better to avoid in the first trimester.

Raw eggs: Eggs are an excellent source of protein and should be a part of a pregnancy diet. However, undercooked eggs should be avoided.

Herbal tea, undercooked meat, unwashed fruits, vegetables, and street foods are suggested to avoid.

When to Begin Monitoring Fetal Weight?

The earlier the better, though there are no set standards for fetal weight growth. Clinically fetal growth is divided into two parts: 

  1. The first half of the pregnancy: Prominent growth in head circumference, weight, and length

  2. The second half of the pregnancy: Growth levels off for the fetus as it takes the shape of a functional body

You should start the clinical evaluation as soon as you realize the pregnancy to avoid any natural risks to the fetus's growth. The next step is obviously about nutrition and ensuring that a sufficient amount of it is passing through to the fetus. This can be ascertained in regular visits to your gynecologist.

Is it Important to Know Fetal Weight?

Fetal weight is the primary deciding factor for the obstetrician. It helps in deciding the time and mode of delivery for the baby as well as avoiding any complications like premature delivery.

Thus, regularly checking fetal growth would be a good way to keep a check on the nutritional needs of both the mom and the baby. A healthy mom on a nutritious diet can ensure a healthy birth without complications towards happy motherhood.

Disclaimer: The above list of foods is only suggestive and may not always lead to fetal weight gain, though these foods might help in weight gain. In case the fetal weight gain is going slow, please take the advice of your gynecologist.


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