Benefits of drinking adra ...
Are you a breastfeeding mother as well as a fan of adrak-Tulsi tea. Here is a good news for you. This heavenly drink is highly beneficial for breastfeeding mothers. So don't wait. Make your cup of tea and continue reading to understand the benefits of adrak thulsi tea during breastfeeding. Here is your recipe.
You can prepare it with or without tea leaves and milk. Remember the quantity of ginger mentioned here is very less. You can take 1-5 grams, according to how strong you wish your tea should be.
Add 3 to 4 small slices of chopped or sliced ginger and 5 basil leaves to one cup of water and a quarter cup of milk. Boil for around five minutes. Switch off the stove and close it with a lid. Wait for two minutes. Now all the essence of ginger and tulsi will come out. Strain and serve. Sugar is not recommended.
After scraping off the peel, clean and grate a piece of fresh root ginger. You can even crush it in a mixer jar or with a pestle and mortar. Take two cups of water in a pot and put the crushed ginger to it. Bring to boil. Now bring down the flames keep on simmer. More you simmer stronger your tea will be. Now add chopped/ crushed tulsi leaves. Switch off the stove. Close the pot with a lid. Wait for 2 minutes. Stain to a serving cup.
You can add honey, lemon juice, freshly crushed black pepper to the tea, this not only enhances the taste, it also add some more benefits to adrak tulsi chai. All the additives mentioned here will further boost your immune system. The lemon juice enhances the effectiveness and absorption of antioxidants in Tulsi and ginger. And honey is an excellent substitute for table sugar.
Before analyzing the benefits of ginger- tulsi tea, let us find out what is so special in ginger and tulsi.
Did you know a few leaves dropped in drinking water can help purify it and kill certain germs within it? That is the power of tulsi.
What Gives Tulsi This Power?
Eugenol, the active constituent present in the leaves is largely responsible for the therapeutic power of Tulsi. Other constituents like ursolic acid and carvacrol have anti-microbial properties. Moreover, Tulsi is rich in antioxidants, therefore, it enhances the immunity significantly (immunomodulatory properties). Tulsi also has anti-diabetic, anti-hypercholesterolemia, anti-hypertensive, anti-carcinogenic, analgesic, anti-pyretic, anti-allergic properties, anti-tussive and expectorant properties, which makes this herb very special.
Although all spices are good sources of antioxidants, ginger is blessed with 25 different antioxidants ones all by itself. This makes ginger one of the mother nature's top antioxidant Foods. It also has anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, thermogenic properties., blood thinning properties making it highly beneficial.
Here are some of the benefits of ginger-tulsi tea during breastfeeding.
Must Read : Uses and Benefits of Natural Herbs Tulsi, Haldi
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