1. Why having a second child ...

Why having a second child was a good idea!

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Megha Grover


10 years ago

Why having a second child was a good idea!

I am a blessed mom of two beautiful children—rather a new tagline suits me "second time being new mom".

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We all know that in this tech savvy world where mobiles, internet, online stores, take so much of our time, we have become busier. Being a parent is a happy but hard job. As a nuclear family has set today's trend once again, most of us think having a single child is OK. I too took time deciding whether I should go for a second child or not. But believe me after having my second baby life has again set the benchmark. Having nearly 2.3 years gap between two kids, I feel I am more responsible in reliving moments with them.

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    It’s easy for my first one to see the childhood in second one and wanting to eat same foods to eat. My decision was apt and I feel proud. I have seen changes in my first child during his second year of growth. He had been aggressive and had thrown tantrums to fulfil his needs. Often we as a parent did a lot of things to make him calm. I also had to juggle between job, child and family. May be less attention, less attachment and decreasing connectivity could be the possible reasons for my child's changing behaviour.

    Changing behaviour was not a problem because for that I as an aware mom was taking all right steps to make him learn. Problem was his loss of appetite because he had started to miss me. He wanted to get fed by me, nurtured by me. But then looking at all these changes I took decision to have a second child. As children learn best from their surroundings and this would also help my children develop a bond as siblings.

    Today my second child--a baby girl who is nearly three months old has brought happiness. My son (1st child) has started enjoying moments with her. He demands for food, understands his sister's cry. And amazing part is when I am busy doing their stuff in kitchen he comes and updates me about his sister's activities like - pee, puking, vomit. The gap which was missing is now filled. I too feel it was hard to decide but today taking correct decision at correct time has been worth it. I know I have jam-packed myself for at least 3-4 years. But that's life--life around my children, my world, my upbringing.

    I feel happy when my daughter turns her neck around and sees her brother doing funny activities. She gives responses and so my son talks, loves, plays and cuddles her. What else you want! When you see happiness around yourself all positive energies amp up also. It’s tough to bring two children in today's materialistic life but not impossible. If you as a parent are fond of family strengthening and bonding, it won't be impossible, but just a bit harder. But believe me, you will realize it later. Stay happy and healthy. And do rethink!

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