1. Why Does Your Child’s Tum ...

Why Does Your Child’s Tummy Ache

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Dr Keya Rani  Lahiri
2 years ago

Why Does Your Child’s Tummy Ache
Disease management & Selfcare
Daily Tips
Developmental Milestones
Nutritious foods
Food habits
Food for Growth
Colic & Digestion

It is pertinent to listen to mothers'/caregivers' medical complaints about their kids and perform diligent history taking for a quick clinical diagnosis and prompt therapy.

One such common complaint is tummy ache and the Pediatrician would rationally approach this situation and avoid panic.

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    The aim of the blog would be to simplify and understand basic facts to prevent and manage gut pain.

    The gut comprises of good and bad bacteria (microbiota) which exist in equilibrium and maintaining this balance is crucial for positive gut health, 70% of immunity, cognition, and metabolic functions. Tummy ache occurs when there is an increase in bad bacteria i.e., imbalance termed as gut dysbiosis.

    How do we prevent and get sensitized towards healthy microbiota

    “Healthy Mother, Healthy Child”

    The significance of mom’s microbiota shaping the child’s healthy bacteria, especially in the first 1000 days of life is evident.

    It prevents and alleviates infantile colic, constipation, diarrhea, reflux, and allergies.

    Ensuring healthy microbiota:

    1. Mother's Nutrition
    2. Promoting vaginal delivery
    3. Exclusive breastfeeding
    4. Avoid Antibiotics
    5. Healthy diet, fermented foods, yoghurt, bananas, apples, and garlic
    6. Burping the infant for 20 min after each feed
    7. Avoid gripe water
    8. Clean boiled drinking water & good sanitation
    9. Rotaviral vaccine
    10. Hand washing and bathing

    Add on Probiotics for a balanced gut

    Probiotics are living microorganisms when administered in adequate amounts confers health benefit to the host.  Probiotics are friendly bacteria benefiting a child’s digestive health in the first 1000 days and lay the foundation for:

    1. Robust immune system
    2. Digestion
    3. Metabolism
    4. The barrier for bad bacteria
    5. Healing the leaky gut

    Ensure Exclusive Breastfeeding:

    Glycans and Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) are an elixir for the newborn as they abound with Bifidobacterium Infants (Bi) which thrives on breast milk.

    Breast milk colonizes the gut shaping the microbial signature for life controlling inflammation and gut maturation.

    Oral Rehydration Solution and zinc are the mainstays for acute viral diarrhea. Probiotics as an add-on assist in healing the gut reducing severity, duration, hospitalization, and cost.

    Talk to your Pediatrician to understand the importance of probiotics and their role in preventing gut issues.

    Issued in public Interest by Sanofi

    MAT-IN-2301232 V1.0 05/23



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