1. Understanding Your Baby’s ...

Understanding Your Baby’s Tummy

0 to 1 years

Dr. Manoj Yadav


2 years ago

Understanding Your Baby’s Tummy
Daily Tips
Fussy eater

The gut consists of digestive organs. The gut microbiome, also known as the gut microbiota, is the collection of microorganisms that reside in the digestive tract. Babies' gut microbiota begins to colonize soon after birth. Both good and bad bacteria are present in the baby’s gut.

Baby's gut health impacts both digestions as well as absorption of nutrients. Thus, a baby's gut health is important for its growth and development. A healthy gut contributes to a healthy immune system. It not only aids in the development of a child's immunity to risk of infections but also supports optimal immune system function. Since a baby's microbiota is formed when they are born, it is important to pay attention to their gut health. 

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    If the baby’s gut has more bad bacteria, it may be more likely to develop Colic. Colic is common during early infancy. In fact, one in three infants suffers from colic at some point. All babies cry, but babies with colic cry more often. The cries of colicky babies are often more high-pitched, creaking, and unpleasant than other babies. A colicky baby may cry for hours despite being healthy, well-fed, and in a clean diaper. It usually happens in the evening hours. Infantile colic can cause a lot of emotional stress for the family and wear down the patience of caregivers, particularly if they have other demanding responsibilities.

    Appropriate nutrition is important for a baby’s gut health and when done right helps in managing and preventing Colic. Babies with Colic have lower counts of good bacteria. 

    Probiotics are a type of good bacteria that live in the gut and are an important part of our digestive system. They help in maintaining the right balance between good & bad bacteria. This balance helps in improving the baby’s immunity to fight infections. It helps in reducing crying and fussing and acts as an effective way to manage colic in babies.

    Consult your pediatrician to understand the importance of probiotics and their role in preventing colic. 

    Disclaimer: The views expressed in the content are independent and unbiased views solely of the blogger. This is supported/sponsored by Nestlé Start Healthy Stay healthy. Readers should consult their healthcare provider for any health-related information. This content is meant to help aid conversations with your healthcare provider. Any decision regarding your health and child's health should be done after consultation with your doctor.


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