1. Protect Your Child From M ...

Protect Your Child From Measles With These 5 Steps

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Namrata Nongpiur


11 months ago

Protect Your Child From Measles With These 5 Steps
Disease management & Selfcare

Measles is a contagious viral infection, which poses a significant threat to children's health across the world. In spite of scientific advancements, outbreaks continue to happen, which highlights the importance of preventive measures. Protecting your child from measles requires a proactive approach and we’re here to tell you how you can safeguard your child from this infectious disease.

1. Vaccination

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    The most effective defence against measles is timely vaccination. The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine offers protection from measles and is generally given in two doses. Children get the first dose at 12 to 15 months of age and the second dose between ages 4 to 6 years of age. Ensuring your child gets both doses of the vaccine as per the immunisation schedule provides long-term immunity against measles.


    2. Understand Symptoms

    To prevent your child from getting measles, you should understand what the symptoms are. Measles symptoms include:

    • High Fever

    • Cough

    • Runny Nose

    • Red Eyes

    • Rash

    If your child exhibits these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. An early diagnosis can help prevent complications and reduce the limit the virus from spreading further.


    3. Good Hygiene Practices

    Good hygiene habits in your child are critical in reducing the risk of contracting measles. Encourage your child to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water - especially after sneezing, coughing or using the bathroom. Teach them to cover their mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets in case they are infected.

    4. Avoid Close Contact with Infected Individuals

    Limit your child's exposure to any individual showing signs of measles, such as cough, runny nose, fever, and rash. Isolate any family member that has been diagnosed with measles and ensure your child, along with everyone else, maintains strict hygiene protocol.


    5. Educate Others in Your Community

    Help educate those around you on about measles prevention to boost your community's effort in fighting the spread of the disease. Encourage fellow parents to vaccinate their children and share what preventive measures they can take to safeguard their child too.

    Protecting your child from measles requires a proactive approach which includes all of the mentioned steps. By following the recommended vaccination schedules, maintaining good hygiene, understanding symptoms and knowing when to seek help, you can reduce the risk of your child contracting measles significantly.

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