Love or fear: How Do You ...
“You need to wind up right now and do your homework or else...” warned the mother of six-year-old, Riya (name changed)—a warning, which Riya chose to ignore with her eyes still hooked on to the iPad. This disobedience of hers was followed by another and even louder warning, which ultimately culminated in a spanking. The next one hour passed with her scribbling on her notebook to complete her homework, which eventually lay unfinished at the end of the day. This was an everyday scene at Riya’s house!
When parenting becomes a battle, the home turns into a battleground. Sore throats, soaring blood pressures and only hurt feelings remain and of course there are no winners. If this has become an everyday scenario in our houses, we need to look for alternative method to discipline our children minus the punishment component. Read on to find out more.
Here are 7 simple ways to learn to disassociate the negative component associated with discipline and slowly change our perspective about discipline. Let’s us understand the concept of “positive discipline”:
Let’s have a re-look at the same scene (mentioned in the introduction) but with a change in the mother’s way of dealing with the situation. Mother calling Riya and making an eye contact and asking her in a polite yet firm voice, “Riya how much time would you need to wind it up? I am giving you ten minutes for winding up and after which you shall do your homework. Once you are done we can do your favorite activity together. When Riya agrees the mother says, “Riya you have been really good and thank you for lending a patient ear.”
By treating our children with compassion and understanding, we teach them to be responsible and self-disciplined. On the other hand, when we spank, yell or punish, we are teaching them to act aggressively. We don’t want our children to obey us out of fear but out of respect.
Dear readers, please give your valuable feedback and share your inputs on what works best for you when it comes to disciplining your child in ‘love vs fear?’
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