Itching during pregnancy
Pregnancy comes with numerous metabolic and hormonal changes in your body and mild itching during this period is essentially a result of those changes. And as you progress in your pregnancy you might experience itchiness around your abdomen, and breasts, as the skin around these areas is stretching to accommodate the growing foetus thus causing the itch. In addition, if you have a dry skin the itchiness becomes intense and more pronounced. So let's go deep in this and see what are the exact causes of itching and is it why some mommies to be experience more itching than others.
Usually the itching during pregnancy is because of all the changes your body is going through this period like I said earlier as well. However, in some rare cases the itching can be due to an underlying medical condition for which you may need to consult your doctor. Sometimes the severe itching may be accompanied by other symptoms that clearly state that you need to consult a doctor. 3 main symptoms are
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It is not the itching that causes stretch marks but all the scratching you do to ease the itch does cause the stretch marks. Imagine a full blown balloon and you scratch it with your finger tips you get some marks on the skin of the balloon. Same is the case with your pregnant belly. Your stomach muscles are stretched and if you scratch to ease the itch you will leave marks on your abdomen and these marks become more pronounced post delivery thus taking the form of stretch marks.
Constant itching during pregnancy can be both frustrating and troublesome. So how can you control or treat the constant itching. Here are 4 simple steps to ease constant itching.
While mild itching is quite common during pregnancy, but if the itching is severe and troubling you in the night then it is better to consult your doctor as it could be a medical condition that may require immediate medical intervention. So if your belly is itching in the night despite doing everything to reduce the itch then it is high time you consulted your doctor.
Well it is essentially a myth that your itch can predict the gender of your baby. There are numerous tales about it. When I was pregnant with my child, I was told that if you are itching in the left it is girl and if on the right then it is a boy. Oh boy!! But I was itching all over my abdomen! So ladies pay no heed to it and treat the itchiness there is no truth in this statement.
Wearing tights or clothes that are irritating to the skin can cause legs to itch during pregnancy. Itchy legs can also be observed as a side-effect of diabetes or kidney diseases. Though mild itching is common in pregnancy and not a cause of concern, but severe itching should be reported to the doctor. Your doctor can check for 'obstetric cholestasis', or 'intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy' (ICP), which is rare and affects about 1% of all pregnant women.
Although there are some natural therapies that you can do at home to ease the itching during pregnancy I would still suggest that if you experience severe itching please consult your gynaecologist for the same. Below are 7 ways to ease itching during pregnancy. I would like to share a few tips to help relieve itching during pregnancy:
If you have a serious rash or are extremely itchy, these measures alone are probably not enough to give you adequate relief. Talk to your doctor. You may need topical or oral medication, or both.
Happy, healthy pregnancy mommies!
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