When it comes to breastfeeding the baby, there is no debate on its importance, nutrition, and benefits for the baby and the mother. Here, our expert, Dr. Himani Khanna, Developmental Pediatrician, Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon, reiterates the same for you.
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Breastfeeding Facts that Every New Mom Should Know About
Motherhood, whether for a first-timer, or an experienced mother, always brings a mix of excitement and anxiety. Breastfeeding being one of the most important parts of early motherhood, it is natural that you might have several questions about it. Here are some facts that you must know about breastfeeding
- Every mother can breastfeed her baby, and it is the way nature intended it
- For the first six months of your baby's life, she needs nothing but breastmilk, to take care of all her nutritional requirements
- Breastfeed your baby soon after birth, within 30 minutes to an hour, and after that on-demand
- For the first two or three days, give your baby the colostrum (first yellowish milk)
- Do not give your baby any other form of nutrition before the first feed
- Avoid using pacifiers
- You can breastfeed your baby even when you are ill without any issues for yourself or your baby. (This excludes some severe illnesses; your gynecologist will be able to guide you)
- Mothers should continue breastfeeding for two years or beyond
- Avoid bottle feeding your baby
- Do not be in a rush to introduce solids. Wait until your baby is six months old
- When you do start solids, give your baby wholesome home-made food
- Milk powder available in the market doesn't compare to mother's milk in nutritional content
Factors That Influence Breastmilk Production And Flow?
Here are some factors that can affect the production of breastmilk in your body.
- Delayed and/or infrequent breastfeeding:If the first breastfeed is delayed, it is more difficult to establish a good milk flow, which may affect the amount of milk you produce later. Infrequent breastfeeding leads to less milk production. Therefore, it is advisable to start breastfeeding within first half or one hour of the baby being born
- Not feeding on demand:Fixed time feeding interferes with the supply and demand of milk production. So, feed on demand
- Poor latching:When the baby is poorly latched breastmilk is not effectively transferred to the baby and it may seem that milk is not enough. Use of bottles and pacifiers leads to nipple confusion
- Psychological factors in the mother: Factors such as lack of confidence can lead to less secretion of oxytocin leading to poor supply. A worried, anxious and stressed mother, or a crying baby leads to introduction of bottle and artificial feeding. Keeping baby away from mother also affects breastfeeding
Frequently Asked Questions About Breastfeeding
Here are some of the frequently asked questions about breastfeeding.
Q. Can I breastfeed my baby successfully after a caesarean section delivery?
Definitely. Having a C-Section doesn't affect breastfeeding. You can breastfeedfour hours after your surgery, or after the effects of anesthesia have worn off. While you may need assistance for a few days after surgery, your C-section definitely doesn't mean you can't breastfeed.
Q.What to do if my baby does not latch on properly?
For proper latch baby needs to be positioned correctly in mother's lap. Keep in mind the following factors.
- See that your baby's neck remains straight, or very slightly bent towards the back
- His body faces you and is close to you
- His entire body is supported, and you have eye contact with him
When you are breastfeeding, also keep in mind these factors
- Your baby's chin touches your breast
- His mouth opens widely
- His lower lip turns outwards
- A larger part of your areola is visible above rather than below the mouth
Q. How to manage breast engorgement?
In a lactating mother, the milk production is continuous and, if enough milk is not removed, engorgement of breasts may happen. An engorged breast is tight, feels hard and is very painful. Some common reasons for breast engorgement are.
- Other feeds given before starting breastfeeding,
- Delayed starting of breastfeeds,
- Long intervals between feeds,
- Early removal of the baby from the breast while breastfeeding,
- Bottle-feeding and any other restrictions on breastfeeding
Q.How to prevent engorgement?
Engorgement can be prevented by avoiding other feeds being given before breastfeeding, keeping the baby always with the mother, unrestricted and exclusive breastfeeding on demand, and feeding in the correct position.
Q.What is the treatment for breast engorgement?
Improving suckling/ position - the baby should be fed frequently on the affected breast and in different suckling positions so as to improve the emptying of the breast. Also, massaging the lump towards the nipple helps promote the emptying of the breast. Rest and wearing loose clothes also helps.
Q.What Is Mastitis Or Abscess Formation?
If the blockage of the duct or engorgement continues, infection may supervene. The breast becomes red, hot, tender and swollen (It is called mastitis). An abscess may form or swelling may occur, associated with fever.
Q.How Is Mastitis Treated?
Here are some tips for managing mastitis.
- Express the milk frequently and continue breastfeeding
- Warm water fomentation may also help alleviate pain
- Consult a doctor for painrelief
- Incision to drain the abscess may be necessary sometimes
- Restart breastfeeding from the affected breast as soon as possible
So leave your anxieties behind and enjoy your breastfeeding journey. Surround yourself with a supportive network of people. We wish you a happy and healthy motherhood!
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