How to keep your child’s ...
Well before becoming a mother, I hardly paid any heed to the word ‘curious’. Of course I knew what it meant and all, but that’s it. End of the story! Then I became a MOM (or ‘maman’ as I am fondly called). Suddenly I had this little explorer who was all over the place exploring everything he could lay his hands on. And on things he couldn’t, he found out ways: howling, pointing and crying - to name a few. K is curious. That’s what I would say to anyone who would ask me how my baby was doing. Little did I know what curiosity was back then, but suddenly it dawned on me; it’s the biggest learning tool!
Babies are innately curious. They turn their little heads in the direction of sound and look without flinching at new faces and objects. They are simply curious! And that is why they learn at an exceptional rate during these early years. The sad part, however is that they lose this streak with time. Reason? Well, one is that, not everything is as new and exciting. Second, more alarming one is that we, as parents, do not cultivate and nurture curiosity. We get obsessed with ABCs, mathematics and what-not in our attempt to make them smarter. I am not saying it is not important to learn these concepts, but they will eventually learn these anyway. Don’t forget, they learn language long before they can communicate. How? Just by being curious - about the sounds they hear, their surroundings, environment and everything in between.
Here are some tips to keep your child’s curiosity alive.
So ask them questions, tell them about everyday marvels they see and the world around them. Make them curious and a genius will follow!
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