1. 4 Secrets to Raising a Ha ...

4 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child

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Sumitra Gopal


2 weeks ago

4 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child

Being a mother is undoubtedly a difficult journey. It isn't only about all the various things that need to be done, but it is an emotional roller-coaster. And only when you take care of your own happiness will the pot be full for you to shower love on your child. In other words, a happy mother = a happy child.

How To Raise A Happy Child?

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    Sometimes, the answer to a lot of seemingly complex troubles is to just take a step back and let go. Communicating with your child is a simple, yet effective way to keep the bond strong. Here are a few tips for you to raise a happy family.

    When you communicate freely with your child, you're not only sharing your feelings with her, but you're also building a bridge with her for tougher times. It's easier for you to give her hard messages and keep the lines of communication open, because she knows how much you love her!

    #1 Focus on Yourself

    You're still an individual with likes, dislikes, hobbies and interests, while being a mother, wife, daughter among a host of other roles.

    • Physical health: Focus on taking care of yourself.Have a regular workout session. The endorphins released post a workout elevates the mood of the entire family. It's tried and tested!
    • Benefits for the family: Your child will start treating exercise, healthy food habits and discipline as a way of life from a young age. Before you know it, you will be planning family runs, hiking trips, and cycling adventures together
    • Emotional health: Pursue a passion that you actively engaged in before your child came along. Not only will this keep you creatively engaged, but it is great for your mental and emotional health
    • Take breaks: Find a reliable babysitter and head out for an evening with your friends. Being away from the chaos for a few hours is a sure-shot way to feeling refreshed
    • Make your marriage a priority: Your partner has been your best friend through thick and thin. Make sure you give him your undivided attention and shower him with love. Being happy in a marriage always equals happy children

    #2 Help Your Child Understand You

    Your child can gauge your mood from your expressions, the frown on your faces and the tone of your voice. Don't be surprised if your seven-year-old gives you a bear hug and suggests an ice-cream when you're feeling low.

    • Share your thoughts: Talk to your child about your day, and tell him if you're having a bad day
    • Ask for a hug: or some cuddles if you need them, because your child will understand when you communicate

    #3 Drive Results with a Perspective:

    One of the most stressful things is when you want your child to do something, but she's absolutely not on board. For e.g. as if running from class to class wasn't tiring enough, squeezing in meals seems tougher, and at times traumatic. By the end of the day you're just tired, and your child is unhappy. But you also know that she's not going to automatically do what's best for her – she needs your perspective.

    • Take the middle path: Drive results with a perspective! It's okay for your child to not do something as planned or have a little less of something one meal, or play extra and not have the most productive day. This makes your child more responsible, and it will make you more approachable

    #4 Identify and Share Happy Times:

    Do you love singing the song “I love you, you love me, we are a happy family….” with your child? Make it your family anthem!

    • Build traditions together: Have a song and dance session every week
    • Have 'happy hours!':Weekend and holiday mornings are reserved for cuddles in bed, morning and afternoon milk or tea sessions are bonding times
    • Don't just think it, say it:Don't hesitate to tell your child - “that is my happy time!” A good night kiss and hug is essential for all of us to sleep happily!


    Don't you agree that a happy mother = a happy child? Do you have any tips and tricks? How do you make sure you and your family stay happy through tough times? Leave us a comment and let us know!

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