Exercises To Avoid When T ...
Only For Pro
Reviewed by expert panel
You've probably heard countless times how exercise is good for you. But did you know that it can actually help you while you are trying to conceive? Following an exercise regimen before conceiving has proven benefits for increasing both fertility and ovulation, and strengthening the body for the normal pregnancy and delivery. Studies have shown that vigorous exercising while trying to conceive may also affect the fertilized egg’s ability to implant in the uterus. So the question is “How much exercise should you do while trying to conceive?” Moderation is the key: Remember that you are trying to conceive and not getting ready for a marathon. Hence everything you do should be in moderation. Do not try to stress yourself by following rigorous gym routines or crash diets, this would result in weight loss which can affect estrogen levels and cause irregular periods which will then affect your fertility.
Lastly, before following any workout routine do consult your doctor as he knows your medical conditions and would give you the best advice.
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