1. Diarrhoea in Children

Diarrhoea in Children

All age groups

Sakshi  Agarwal


2 years ago

Diarrhoea in Children
Disease management & Selfcare
Developmental Milestones
Physical Development
Nutritious foods
Food for Growth
Cognitive Development
Colic & Digestion

Diarrhoea is a serious disease that affects millions of children. We may not realise, but for millions of children,  Diarrhoea can be life-altering and life-threatening. 

Common symptoms associated with diarrhoea are

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    • Abdominal cramps or pain

    • Bloating

    • Nausea

    • Fever

    • Blood or Mucus in the stool

    • Urgent need to have a bowel movement

    Diarrhoea is common in children and can have several causes, with most of them being linked to the gut health of the child.  The gut contains trillions of micro-organisms that play an important role in our overall health and well-being, influencing our immune system and digestion.

    Approximately 100 trillion micro-organisms – mostly bacteria – live in our gut. These are a combination of good (beneficial) and bad (harmful) bacteria and a balance between them in the gut microbiome plays a vital role in our gut health and essential body processes. Diarrhoea can be caused by contaminated food and water, as it disturbs the balance between good and bad bacteria. 

    Probiotic foods – that contain live ‘good’ bacteria – improve the good bacteria in the gut microbiome and thereby improve gut health.  It strengthens a child’s gut and immunity to alleviate symptoms of diarrhoea.  Thanks to my Peadiatrician, I learnt this early in my parenting journey and feel great to share this insightful information with my fellow parents. 

    Talk to your Pediatrician for more information. 

    Issued in Public Interest by Enterogermina 


    MAT-IN-2301234 V1.0 05/23


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