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How to Cope-up with Diaper Rash during Monsoon Season

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3 years ago

How to Cope-up with Diaper Rash during Monsoon Season

Only For Pro


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Parentune Expert


The rainy season comes as a welcome respite from the summer heat. But what most people forget is that in addition to the coolness of rains, there is also a lot of humidity and waterborne diseases. Most susceptible are newborn babies. 

During the last year monsoons I along with my 7 year old daughter went to visit a relative of mine who has a 10 month old baby. Throughout our stay my relative seemed visibly disturbed and constantly kept checking on her son. Soon I found out that the little one had diaper rashes which not only made him restless, but also was a cause of big worry for the mother.

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    Diaper Rash and Monsoon Season

    Here are few must-know facts about diaper rash and monsoon & home remedies to cure your baby... 

    1. The rainy season comes as a welcome respite from the summer heat.But what most people forget is that in addition to the coolness of rains, there is also a lot of humidity and waterborne diseases. Most susceptible are newborn babies. Their skin conditions can be affected because of the damp weather, if not taken care of properly. The humidity, and sudden warm and damp weathers boost the growth of certain harmful bacterial and fungal infections.
    2. Diaper rash is the most common condition in babies during monsoons, especially between the age of 9-12 months. The baby’s bottom looks red and inflamed. Also affected could be the baby’s genitals and inner thigh folds.
    3. Am sure, most mommies would have faced a nappy rash situation at least once. Before you start questioning your parenting skills, remember that diaper rash is harmless with proper home care.
    4. Diaper rashes mostly occur due to skin irritations such as when the baby’s skin remains wet for a long time remaining in contact with pee or potty inside the diaper.
    5. The other reason of diaper rash could be allergies caused by certain types of fabric, soaps, detergents and even baby wipes which affect the sensitive skin. Diaper rash that lasts for more than a few days, even with changes to the diapering routine, might be caused by a yeast called Candida albicans (a type of fungus).
    6. Checking on the baby and changing diapers frequently lets the skin breathe. This process can avoid rashes.
    7. Another way to avoid rashes is to let the baby remain without diapers for a couple of hours in the day.
    8. However if the rashes have already appeared then it is best to apply ointments, lotions and diaper creams (preferably containing zinc oxide and petroleum) suited for the baby’s skin, after consulting with a doctor. Using calamine lotion on the affected areas also helps to soothe the rashes. Also patting the skin dry is a better idea, since rubbing aggravates the rashes.

    Monsoon Season Diaper Rash Treatment Home Remedies  

    Diaper rash usually goes away within 2-3 days if properly treated at home. Read & follow these carefully...

    1. In case of serious rashes that develop into sores, doctors may prescribe anti-fungal, antibiotic or even at times mild steroid creams. All products, specially wipes, used on a baby’s skin should be alcohol free and unscented. Avoid using baby powder or talc.
    2. Other common skin conditions and illnesses which can arise due to hot, humid and damp weather are eczema, pus boils, stomach infections, typhoid, viral infections and illnesses caused by mosquito bites to name some.

    Did you find Preeti’s tips on how to cope up with diaper rash in monsoon-time? How do you keep your baby safe and healthy during the monsoon? Do leave your comments.

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