1. Colic Pain( Excessive Cry ...

Colic Pain( Excessive Crying) Causes, Symptoms in Newborn Babies

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3 years ago

Colic Pain( Excessive Crying) Causes, Symptoms in Newborn Babies

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Parentune Expert

Neeta and Shashi were proud new parents, and they doted on their three-week-old baby Rishi. Little Rishi seemed like a happy baby with a sunny disposition. And while new parenthood takes its physical and mental toll, the couple were tired, yet managing well. One evening as Shashi changed Rishi’s diaper and set him down for a nap, Rishi began to wail loudly and continuously. Neeta tried feeding him, burping him and rocking him, none of which worked. Shashi took his son for a walk hoping that the movement will help him settle. But nothing helped, until an hour later when Rishi stopped crying as abruptly as he had started. A few nights of the same episode and the parents made a trip to the pediatrician. After checking for signs of any other illness, the pediatrician, visibly relaxed, told them that it was colic and that they didn’t have any cause for worry.

In this blog, our pro-parent Arunima talks about baby colic and addresses key questions like:

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    • Home remedies you can try.

    What Causes Colic Pain(Excessive Crying) in Babies?

    While yes, as a new parent you don’t really have reason to worry too much if your baby is colicky, it can be quite unsettling. Dealing with a crying baby is never easy, and when it’s an everyday affair, it can seem impossible. We bring you Colic 101, explaining what colic is, and what you can do to help your baby as well as yourself while dealing with it. Not even a doctor has definite, textbook answers to why colic happens in infants. Read this...

    • There have been numerous beliefs that the crying could be related to abdominal pain caused by trapped gas or overfeeding
    • One popular reason is that a newborn’s digestive system is not well developed and it cannot easily breakdown the proteins in breast milk or formula, causing painful gas
    • Some experts also believe that bouts of crying could be due to the urge to let off steam for sensitive babies. Since the episodes of crying are usually in the evenings, babies may get over-stimulated due to the sounds, lights or sensations around them.

    Note: Your colicky baby could be gassier. Although gas is not the reason for colic, your baby might swallow more air while crying, causing painful gas.

    What Are Colic Signs & Symptoms in Infants?

    When your baby cries excessively, while otherwise healthy, it is called colic (also known as infantile colic). Here’s how your doctor will diagnose colic-

    • Your baby is less than five months of age
    • He cries for three hours or more at a stretch
    • The crying occurs at least three days of the week
    • The crying bouts last for at least three weeks

    Colic stops in most babies when they reach three months of age.

    How Can I Help Baby in Excessive Crying(Colicky Pain)?

    The most common approach is frequently burping your baby. Frequent burping prevents the formation of gas and reduces any discomfort associated with it. Colicky pain relief that you can try are --

    1. Swaddle your baby tightly avoiding the head. This is known to make the baby comfortable as it reminds him of being in the womb
    2. Use a pacifier or let him nurse or suck on a clean finger
    3. Use white noise, your baby is used to hearing gentle, rhythmic sounds in the womb. You can try calming him with similar sounds
    4. Take a walk with your baby in a sling, or even go for a drive if possible. The movement and the sound of your heartbeat can be calming for your baby. Holding him close and rocking him might help, too

    The techniques above may just be a temporary solution as your baby is most likely to resume crying in a few minutes. Continue to offer comfort by holding your baby and cuddling him.

    Are Any Colic Home Remedies That I Can Try?

    Colic is not an illness, hence requires no medication. There are a number of medicines available specifically for colic, but what they do is deal with gas. Some parents swear by these medicines, while for some, using them made no difference at all.

    You may try some of the following home remedies-

    1. Asafetida: A tiny pinch of asafetida mixed in warm water is known to help release gas. Rubbing asafetida on your baby’s tummy may also provide relief
    2. Gripe water: Gripe water is an old remedy for gas, acid reflux, and hiccups. It is known to be chemical-free and contains homeopathic ingredients which are safe for babies. The dosage and instructions depend on your baby’s age and are mentioned on the label
    3. Massage: You may massage your baby’s tummy in a circular motion to help release trapped gas
    4. Rotating baby’s legs: Stretching and folding one leg at a time (as in cycling) also helps let out trapped gas and is a fun activity for your baby, too


    I Am Breastfeeding, Can My Diet Cause Baby Be Colicky?

    A small amount of what nursing mothers eat is known to pass on to the baby through breast milk. Spicy food, nuts, milk products, vegetables such as cauliflower and cabbage are among some of the gas-forming foods. If your diet is heavy on these, they may cause gas, which is also passed on to your baby

    • If your baby has colic, you could try eliminating rich, spicy foods, milk and milk products from your diet to see if there is any difference in your baby
    • Foods such as chocolate, caffeine in your diet may also contribute to the discomfort in your baby
    • On the other hand, drinking fennel tea, cumin or ajwain water a few times a day is known to be beneficial for nursing mothers, and the benefits are passed on to the baby too

    My Baby Is Formula Fed & Is Colicky. What Should I Do?

    • Try switching to a new formula and see if it suits your baby
    • Bottle-fed babies take in more air when drinking from the bottle. They need to be burped often to help relieve them of the pressure that builds up as they swallow air. Using anti-colic bottles for your baby may be beneficial


    How Will I Know If My Baby Is Sick Or Colicky?

    If your baby is crying more than usual, and the bouts of crying last for hours throughout the day, then there could be another underlying cause.

    Watch out for the any of the following signs-

    1. Colicky babies are otherwise healthy and should have a good appetite and sucking reflex. If your baby doesn’t eat well or has trouble sucking, consult a pediatrician
    2. Babies often spit up after eating. Spitting up is usually just a mouthful of milk that the baby spits out. If it looks like that your baby is vomiting – projectile, and bringing out a large quantity of milk or food, and is losing weight, consults a pediatrician. Frequent vomiting is not a sign of colic
    3. Colicky babies have normal stools. Diarrhea or blood in the stool is not a sign of colic. Your baby will need to be seen by a doctor if he has bloody stools


    How Can I Cope-up Babies in Colic Pain? 

    The Constant Crying Is Stressing Me Out. How Can I Cope? Parents of a colicky baby are likely to get overwhelmed leading to high-stress levels and also post-partum depression. Here are some ways you can cope:

    • To relieve the stress, ask your spouse, parents, or a reliable friend to occasionally look after your baby so that you can take a short break
    • You may also discuss the matter with your baby’s doctor or talk to someone about how the crying is affecting you. Sometimes just talking to someone can take away part of the stress
    • Cry it out. A little crying on a friend’s shoulder, or even while chatting on the phone can help you feel better, too


    It is easy to blame yourself and feel helpless in such a situation. All parents at some point have trouble comforting their baby. Take comfort in knowing that your baby is not sick and this phase will pass.

    How did you deal with your baby’s colic? Tell us in the comments section!


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