1. Are Movie Theatres for In ...

Are Movie Theatres for Infants?

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Parentune Support


12 months ago

Are Movie Theatres for Infants?

Movies are a welcome break for the parents, especially new parents, but ask infants if they feel the same! Being a parent to a new-born means some sacrifices have to be made and going to a movie theatre is one of them. And, being a responsible parent means putting the safety and well-being of the baby above everything else. Consider the following risks you are exposing your child to when taking an infant to the theatre.
•Don’t assume that the baby will sleep through the movie. The loud noise from the speakers and the light from the movie screen can scare the baby and make the child irritable, confused, and disturb his sleep pattern.
•The decibel levels in the theatre are too high and can damage tender ear drums. Movie theatres have around 110 to 115 decibel levels whereas 60 to 70 is a normal conversation decibel level. Just imagine what you are exposing your child to!
•Parents should also bear in mind that they would be putting their baby’s health at risk. People cough and sneeze and the air in the enclosed A/C theatre is re-circulated. Moreover, the proximity of an infected person, makes it more easier for your baby to catch the infection.
•If the child starts to cry one parent will have to take the baby out of the theatre and he/she will miss a good part of the movie. Both parents will be stressed in such a situation and the whole purpose of going to the movie for entertainment is defeated. Moreover, parents may feel frustrated and lose their cool with the baby.
•People pay money to watch the movie and are not there to hear your bundle of joy scream. People are quick to let their displeasure known and more often they are not very polite.
•With AC in full swing, the temperature inside the theatre may not be suitable for the baby.
It is therefore better to make arrangements to watch movies at home. This way both parents can relax and enjoy the movie when the baby is sound asleep. Even if the baby is awake there won't be much fuss as babies can be best managed at home. Still if the parents can't resist the temptation then it is better to leave the baby with a care taker or an obliging family member. Or wait, till the child is 4-5 years of age, and then he will be better prepared for a movie theatre experience.

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