Causes cure and Home reme ...
There are few medical conditions which are not a disease, but a symptom of it. I am referring to Anaemia here, which can be normally witnessed amongst kids from 7 to 11 years of age.
Our blood has millions of red blood cells who are carriers of oxygen from lungs to various organs and body tissues. REd blood cells or RBCs have haemoglobin as a component, that binds oxygen to it and do the transportation all over the body. When the count of RBc decrease exceptionally in body, it is termed as anaemia. It is a blood disorder, where body feels less supply of oxygen and come up with other symptoms.
When the proper oxygen is not reaching the body tissues, it will come up with following symptoms.
There are number of reasons for low blood cells in your children which are affecting their energy, focus and ability to learn.
Anemia is not a major disease seeking complicated treatment. It is a medical concern which can be cured with a good precautionary and curative methodology. It's treatment depends upon the age of child and the severity of the disorder.
Balanced diet: It is very important to change the nutritional plan in children dealing with low blood Hb. Consumption of green leafy vegetables, meat, egg yolk, tomatoes, raisins etc is important to regain the iron in body. However with vegetarian child, one can try the below remedies.
It is very important to be aware about the medical condition of your child.
Anaemia can be easily managed if it is tracked down in early stage. So follow the precautions to help your child gain back her energy and enthusiasm.
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