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A Comprehensive Guide On How ManyTimes You Should Have Sex If You Are Planning To Conceive


Ridhi Dogra


3 years ago

A Comprehensive Guide On How ManyTimes You Should Have Sex If You Are Planning To Conceive
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Kirti (fictitious name) is trying to get pregnant but every time she is facing failure. One day Kirti’s friend Riya asked her what was the problem with her getting pregnant. Then Kirti said that neither she nor her husband has any problem but she doesn't know why she is not able to succeed in it. In such a situation, Riya advised them to visit the best gynecologist in the city. Kirti and her husband visited the doctor's clinic for only two days. The doctor asked many questions to both, in which some questions were also about sex between them. The doctor was not satisfied with their answers, and she told both when and how often they should have sex to conceive. This is what we would cover in this blog today.

How do you calculate your fertile days?

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    There is a week in every month when having sex increases the chances of getting pregnant. This is called fertile time and it starts two to three days before ovulation. These days just before ovulation are considered right for conception.

    1. Ovulation and Fertilization

    If your menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days, then the time of ovulation is around 12 to 14 days. If your cycle is short, your fertile time may come on the 8th or 9th day. If longer, it can come on the 19th or 20th of the month. An egg that ovulates is only capable of being fertilized for 12 to 24 hours. But with the help of cervical mucus, the sperm remains in the female reproductive organ for five days.

    2. Cervical Mucus 

    Research says that the day you see fertile cervical mucus is the best day for sexual intercourse. Fertile cervical mucus is a vaginal discharge that looks like a portion of raw egg white. It usually appears before ovulation. Cervical mucus increases the movement of sperm and makes it last longer. The more sperm reaches your fallopian tubes, the greater your chances of fertilization as they will be responsible for the releasing of your eggs. 

    3. Mood

    You need to know that living in a stress-free and a relaxed atmosphere will increase your chances of conceiving, but it doesn't happen every time. Have you noticed that your libido is stronger at certain times of the month? This hormone also boosts your desire for sex just before ovulation. Sexual pleasure and satisfaction can also increase your chances of conceiving, but that doesn't mean you always think about great sex.

    4. Ovulation Tracking

    You can track ovulation with the help of a calendar. In addition, the symptoms of ovulation can also be tracked by changes such as body temperature, cervical mucus or hormone levels. An ovulation predictor test is similar to a pregnancy test, which tells you when you are about to ovulate. These are like test sticks or test strips and react with your urine. You can also easily track your ovulation cycle. All you need to do is enter the date of your period, and then you can easily know when your cycle is and when you are going to ovulate more.

    5. Sex Frequency

    Having sex is everyone's personal preference. Experts say that sex should not be done more than once a day. You must be aware of the fact that having sex too frequently can reduce the number of healthy sperms. It is okay to have sex three to four times a week during your cycle. If you are trying to get pregnant, then it is better that you definitely have sex during the fertile time. But it is also true that if you and your partner are healthy, then having sex at any time of the month increases your chances of conceiving. 

    Wrapping Up

    We suggest that you must consult your doctor before trying all the remedies mentioned in this blog and plan your pregnancy according to the doctor's advice.

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