1. 10 Positive Statements Th ...

10 Positive Statements That Will Help Your Child During Exam Time

11 to 16 years

Aparna  Balasundaram
1 years ago

10 Positive Statements That Will Help Your Child During Exam Time

Only For Pro


Reviewed by expert panel

Kiran Tevtiya


As a parent, you spare no effort to get your child to be exam ready. From diet, uniforms, stationery and school things – and you may get so engrossed in all this that you may unconsciously overlook something very important – ‘verbal communication’. At times, ‘words can speak louder than actions’. So when was the last time you said something inspiring, positive and reassuring to your child? It’s never too late to start and with the exams approaching, the best time to start, is now!

Statement to Boost Your Child's Confidence Before a Test

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    So here are few statements that are guaranteed to help your child exam time stress. You can tweak these according to your child’s age and understanding – but yes, keep adding as you go along…

    1. You are a bright student and you can crack this - Keep repeating this to your child. When you show confidence in your child, your child will automatically start feeling more confident too.
    2. Now, that is wonderful… how did you do that? - Observe your child’s small achievements through the day/week and take a moment out and praise your child for these deeds. Make it more special by asking him/her about how s/he achieved a certain result. Show your curiosity and share the excitement.
    3. Don’t chase success – work hard and it will come to you - This is not just a positive statement; this is a life mantra that your child will always remember and if s/he abides by it, it will surely have a positive impact on your child’s life.
    4. Exams are not the end of life - Again, a very important message! As parents, you need to tell yourself the same too; practise what you preach. The reality is that exams are not the end of life. Sometimes a child is so very stressed with this ‘larger than life’ approach to exams that s/he is bound to feel averse to studying.
    5. Don’t worry if you are not good at some subjects – you cannot be good at everything - That’s true, isn’t it? Some children struggle with maths, some with history and some with chemistry. Your child has his/her strengths and weaknesses, just like you. So tell him to focus on the strengths and keep working on the weaknesses patiently.
    6. Just do your best and forget the rest - On the exam day, wish ‘best of luck’ with this statement. While you are encouraging him to do his/her best, you are also cutting out the unnecessary pressure that is no good.
    7. Don’t fear failure as it is a stepping stone to success - As we have often heard ‘many of the things we fear never really come to pass’ – inculcate this thought in your child. Take out the dread from this word ‘fear’ by informing your child of the positives of failure – how s/he can learn from mistakes; how it makes us learn valuable lessons in life and so on.
    8. I love you Last but not the least – don’t forget the three magic words. Let it be the last thing you tell your child (with a smile) as you wish goodnight to each other. These words will bring a sense of calm and reassurance to your child that no other words can bring forth!
    9. Stay Stress Free - Even if your child is a little weak in a particular subject don’t show disappointment; instead stay positive, and motivate him in a positive way. A stress free mind will work wonder for his/her performance. Stay positive and stay stress.
    10. We Are Proud Of You - Children love to know that their parents love them, adore them, and are proud of them. Tell them that you value their hard work, efforts and then look at their sincerity multiply!


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