1. 7 Ways to make travel wit ...

7 Ways to make travel with a child, easier!

1 to 3 years

Misha Bansal


3 years ago

7 Ways to make travel with a child, easier!

Travelling can be a lot of fun. When there's a little child in the picture, it can become unpredictable. Meals, naps, clothes, the occasional sniffles – it can be quite overwhelming. However, a little planning can make life so much easier while travelling.

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What Are Some Tips To Make Travel Easier With My Child?

Have you always loved to travel, and suddenly find it challenging to travel with your child? Keep these tips in mind, and your wanderlustneed not take a backseat-

Travel is not just a great way to unwind, it is a wonderful teacher, too. With some planning, you can travel your child quite extensively, and introduce new worlds to him. Children are so much more adaptive than we give them credit for. So pack your bags and start exploring!!

Have any tips for other parents travelling with children? Share them with us in the comments section!

  1. Clothes: Make your child wear easy, comfortable clothes and always carry an extra set of clothes just in case he spills something (keep an extra change for yourself, too). Keepsufficient stock of diapers and wet wipes, and don't forget hand sanitizer. Depending on the weather at your destination, carry a raincoat and a light jacket (yes, even during summer). You don't know when the air may become a bit chilly or there could be a sudden drop in temperature
  2. Food: This is a pet worry for all parents while travelling. Whether or not your child is a fussy eater, it helps to be prepared with some ‘safe' favorites-
    • Carry snacks like crackers or bananas that are easy to eat, and mess-free
    • A hungry child isn't a happy child – so keep giving him light snacks frequently rather than big meals
    • Dry fruits serve well as calorie-dense and nutritious snacks
    • If your child is formula fed, make sure you have adequate quantity of formula and boiled water
  3. Water: Depending on the length of your journey and the mode of travel, make sure you have one or two bottles of water handy. While mineral water bottles are available easily at airports and train stations, carrying water for your little one is a good, and safe option
  4. Entertainment: Children, especially toddlers, have very short attention spans and can get restless quite easily. Keeping them engaged can be a challenge, especially on long journeys.
    • Keep a couple of favorite toys handy. Don't carry toys with small parts that can be swallowed or dropped
    • Picture books are a great hit with children. You can also carry a note pad and a few crayons for some doodling
    • If you're travelling by road, encourage your child to observe the scenery outside. You can play "I spy with my little eye," too
  5. Medicines: Before your trip, it's a good idea to visit your child's pediatrician to get a prescription of medicines for common ailments. Even if you have medicines for fever, diarrhea, nausea and colds at home, make sure you check with the doctor about dosage and administration before you travel. Carry the prescription with you at all times
  6. Nap time: As far as possible, try not to disturb your child's sleep schedule. Make sure he sleeps at approximately the same time every day. Once the initial excitement of the travel has passed, he might become overtired and cranky, if he doesn't get enough rest. Plan plenty of buffer time, and don't pack your trip with too many things to check off a list
  7. Plan ahead: Travelling with your child, while is not child's play, will be less stressful when you plan ahead
    • Book hotels that are child friendly, and have play zones for children. This way, your child will be engaged even when all you want to do is relax in the hotel
    • Pack clothing according to the weather of the place you are visiting
    • If travelling by road, pick a destination which is at a reasonable distance from your home. Children don't like to be locked up in a car for long hours and take the small breaks in between
    • Do your research about the destination, and choose places that have a good balance of what you want to do, and what your child will enjoy

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