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6 Effective Home Remedies for Cold & Cough in Infants (0-1 Years): A Complete Guide

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Pooja Sah


8 months ago

6 Effective Home Remedies for Cold & Cough in Infants (0-1 Years): A Complete Guide
Home Remedies

Cold is a viral infection that affects the nose and throat. It can cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, and fever. Cold is especially prevalent in winter, but a baby is vulnerable to it during season change as well.. Babies are more likely to catch a cold than adults, as they have not yet developed immunity to many of the viruses that cause cold. Cold can make your baby uncomfortable and may interfere with their sleep, appetite, and daily activities. There are some home remedies that can help your child feel better and recover from cold. Here are some of the best home remedies for cold.

What Causes Cold and Cough in Infants?

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    Cold and cough are respiratory infections that affect babies and children of all ages. They are usually caused by viruses that enter the body through the nose or mouth, and spread to the throat, lungs, and sinuses. There are many types of viruses that can cause cold and cough in infants, but some of them are:


    Cold is a mild viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract. It is also known as rhinovirus, and it can cause symptoms such as runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, and low-grade fever. Cold usually lasts for 7 to 10 days, and it does not require any specific treatment. However, it can make your baby uncomfortable and irritable, and it can also lead to complications such as ear infection, sinus infection, or bronchitis.


    The flu is a more severe viral infection that affects the whole respiratory system. It is also known as influenza, and it can cause symptoms such as high fever, chills, headache, body ache, fatigue, loss of appetite, and dry cough. The flu usually lasts for 5 to 7 days, and it can be treated with antiviral medications if prescribed by your doctor. However, the flu can also cause serious complications such as pneumonia, dehydration, or sepsis, especially in babies under 6 months of age, or those with chronic medical conditions.


    Allergies are not infections, but they are immune system reactions to certain substances that are harmless to most people. These substances are called allergens, and they can include pollen, dust, mold, pet dander, or food. Allergies can cause symptoms such as runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, itching, or rash. 

    Allergies can be seasonal or year-round, and they can be treated with antihistamines, nasal sprays, or allergy shots if prescribed by your doctor. However, allergies can also trigger asthma attacks, or anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention.

    Other Causes

    Besides viruses and allergies, there are some other causes that can lead to cold and cough in infants, such as:

    • Bacterial infections: These are the viral infections, but they can cause more serious symptoms and complications. Some examples of bacterial infections that can affect the respiratory system are strep throat, whooping cough, or tuberculosis. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics if prescribed by your doctor, but they can also cause side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, or allergic reactions.

    • Environmental factors: These are external factors that can irritate or inflame the respiratory tract, such as smoke, pollution, dry air, or cold weather. Environmental factors can worsen the symptoms and duration of cold and cough in infants, and they can also increase the risk of infections or allergies. Environmental factors can be avoided or minimized by keeping your baby away from smoke or pollution, using a humidifier or a steamer to moisten the air, or dressing your baby warmly and appropriately for the weather.

    • Reflux: This is a condition where the stomach contents flow back into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation, vomiting, or choking. Reflux can also affect the respiratory system, as the stomach acid can irritate or damage the throat, lungs, or sinuses. Reflux can cause symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, hoarseness, or bad breath. Reflux can be treated with medications, feeding changes, or positioning changes if prescribed by your doctor, but it can also cause complications such as esophagitis, aspiration, or pneumonia.

    How to Prevent Cold and Cough in Infants?

    Cold and cough can be prevented by taking some simple measures, such as:

    Mom breastfeeding child

    Breastfeed Your Baby

    Breast milk is the best source of nutrition and immunity for your baby. It contains antibodies, enzymes, and other factors that protect your baby from infections and allergies. Breastfeeding also helps to clear the nasal passages and soothe the throat of your baby. Breastfeed your baby exclusively for the first six months and continue until at least one year of age.

    Keep Your Baby Warm and Hydrated

    Keeping your baby warm and hydrated can help to prevent dehydration, fever, and chills. Dress your baby in layers of comfortable clothing and cover their head, hands, and feet. Avoid overheating or sweating your baby, as this can make them more prone to infections. Give your baby plenty of fluids, such as breast milk, water, or juice. 

    Avoid giving your baby cow’s milk, honey, or citrus fruits, as they can worsen the symptoms or cause allergies.

    Wash Your Hands and Sanitize Your Surroundings

    Washing your hands and sanitizing your surroundings can help to prevent the spread of germs and viruses. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before and after touching your baby, feeding your baby, or changing diapers. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. Clean and disinfect your baby’s toys, pacifiers, bottles, and utensils regularly. Avoid sharing your baby’s items with others or using them yourself.

    Avoid Crowded Places and Sick People

    Avoiding crowded places and sick people can help to reduce the exposure of your baby to germs and viruses. Avoid taking your baby to places where there are many people, such as malls, markets, or public transport. Avoid visiting or receiving visitors who are sick or have symptoms of cold and cough. If you or someone in your family is sick, wear a mask and keep a distance from your baby. If possible, ask someone else to take care of your baby until you recover.

    Vaccinate Your Baby

    Vaccinating your baby can help to prevent some serious diseases that can cause cold and cough, such as measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, whooping cough, or pneumococcal infection. Follow the recommended immunization schedule for your baby and consult your doctor for any doubts or concerns. Do not skip or delay any vaccine, unless advised by your doctor.

    How to Recognize the Symptoms of Cold and Cough in Infants?

    Cold and cough can cause various symptoms in infants, depending on the cause and severity of the infection. Some of the symptoms are:

    Runny or Stuffy Nose

    Runny or stuffy nose is one of symptoms of cold and cough in infants. It is caused by the inflammation and secretion of mucus in the nasal passages. It can make your baby uncomfortable, irritable, and restless. It can also interfere with your baby’s feeding, sleeping, and breathing.

    Sneezing and Coughing

    Sneezing and coughing are the body’s natural ways of clearing the airways and expelling the mucus and germs. They can also be triggered by allergens or irritants. Sneezing and coughing can be mild or severe, dry or productive, and occasional or frequent. They can cause soreness, irritation, and inflammation in the throat and chest.

    Fever and Chills

    Fever and chills are the signs of the body’s immune response to fight the infection. Fever is the rise in the body temperature above the normal range, which is usually 36.5°C to 37.5°C for infants. Chills are the sensations of coldness and shivering that accompany fever. Fever and chills can make your baby feel hot, cold, sweaty, or clammy. They can also cause headache, body ache, or loss of appetite.

    Irritability and Loss of Appetite

    Irritability and loss of appetite are the behavioral changes that can occur due to cold and cough in infants. Irritability is the state of being easily annoyed, frustrated, or restless. Loss of appetite is the lack of interest or desire to eat. Irritability and loss of appetite can be caused by the discomfort, pain, or fatigue that result from the infection. They can also affect your baby’s growth and development.

    Difficulty Breathing and Wheezing

    Difficulty breathing and wheezing are respiratory problems that can occur due to cold and cough in infants. Difficulty breathing is the feeling of not getting enough air or having trouble inhaling or exhaling. Wheezing is the high-pitched whistling sound that is made when the air passes through the narrowed or obstructed airways. Difficulty breathing and wheezing can be caused by congestion, inflammation, or spasms of the nose, throat, or lungs. They can also indicate a serious condition, such as asthma, bronchitis, or pneumonia.

    When to Seek Medical Attention for Cold and Cough in Infants?

    Cold and cough are usually not serious and can be treated at home with some simple remedies and care. However, sometimes they can lead to complications or indicate a more serious condition. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention for your baby if they have any of the following signs or symptoms:

    High Fever

    High fever is the fever that is above 38°C for infants younger than 3 months, above 39°C for infants between 3 and 6 months, or above 40°C for infants older than 6 months. High fever can indicate a severe infection or a secondary infection, such as ear infection, sinus infection, or pneumonia. High fever can also cause dehydration, seizures, or brain damage. If your baby has a high fever, you should call your doctor immediately or take your baby to the nearest hospital.

    Persistent Cough

    Persistent cough is the cough that lasts for more than 10 days or gets worse over time. Persistent cough can indicate a chronic condition, such as asthma, bronchitis, or tuberculosis. Persistent cough can also cause complications, such as vomiting, chest pain, or bleeding. If your baby has a persistent cough, you should consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

    Difficulty Breathing

    Difficulty breathing is the breathing that is fast, shallow, noisy, or labored. Difficulty breathing can indicate a serious condition, such as bronchiolitis, pneumonia, or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. Difficulty breathing can also cause hypoxia, which is the lack of oxygen in the blood and tissues. If your baby has difficulty breathing, you should call your doctor immediately or take your baby to the nearest hospital.


    Dehydration is the loss of water and electrolytes from the body. Dehydration can occur due to fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or reduced fluid intake. Dehydration can cause symptoms such as dry mouth, sunken eyes, wrinkled skin, or decreased urine output. Dehydration can also affect the blood pressure, heart rate, and kidney function.

    cough and cold remedies for infants

    Indian Home Remedies for Cold and Cough in Infants

    Indian home remedies for cold and cough in infants are the natural and traditional methods of treating the symptoms and boosting the immunity of your baby. They are safe, effective, and easy to use. However, they are not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Therefore, you should always consult your doctor before using any home remedy for your baby. Some of the Indian home remedies for cold and cough in infants are:

    1. Breast Milk

    Breast milk is the best medicine for your baby, especially when he or she is sick. Breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby fight off infections and boost his or her immune system. Breast milk also provides hydration and nutrition that your baby needs to recover. Breast milk can be fed to babies of any age, but it is especially important for babies under 6 months who do not need any other food or drink. 

    If you are breastfeeding, you should continue to do so as often as possible, even if your baby seems less interested or has a reduced appetite. You can also express your milk and feed it to your baby with a spoon or a dropper if he or she has trouble latching on or sucking. Breast milk is one of the best natural remedies for cold in infants.

    2. Saline Drops

    Saline drops are another simple and effective remedy for a blocked or runny nose. Saline drops are made of salt and water, and they help to clear the nasal passages and reduce inflammation. Saline drops are safe for babies of any age, and you can easily make them at home or buy them from a pharmacy. 

    To make saline drops, mix 1 teaspoon of salt in half a cup of boiled and cooled water. To use saline drops, lay your baby on his or her back with the head slightly tilted up. Gently squeeze 1 or 2 drops of saline solution into each nostril, and wait for a few seconds. 

    Then, use a soft cloth or a nasal bulb to wipe or suction out the mucus. You can repeat this process several times a day, or as needed. Saline drops are one of the effective home remedies for a blocked nose.

    3. Warm Fluids

    Warm fluids are another important remedy for cold and cough in babies and children. Warm fluids help to hydrate your baby, thin the mucus, and soothe the throat. Warm fluids also provide some calories and nutrients that your baby might be missing due to a reduced appetite. Warm fluids are suitable for babies above 6 months who have started taking solid foods or other drinks. 

    Warm fluids include breast milk, formula, water, soup, herbal tea, or juice. You can also add some honey, lemon, ginger, or turmeric to the warm fluids to boost their healing properties. 

    However, you should not give honey to babies under 1 year of age, as it can cause a serious infection called botulism. 

    You should also avoid cow’s milk and dairy products, as they can increase the mucus production and worsen the congestion. You should offer warm fluids to your baby frequently, but in small amounts, to prevent vomiting or choking. 

    4. Rest and Massage

    Rest and massage are another important remedy for cold and cough in babies and children. Rest and massage help your baby to relax, sleep, and recover. Rest and massage also improve the blood circulation and the immune system. Rest and massage are suitable for babies of any age, and you can do them at any time of the day. 

    To rest your baby, you should make sure that he or she has a comfortable and quiet place to sleep, with a clean and warm bedding. You should also avoid exposing your baby to bright lights, loud noises, or other distractions. You should let your baby sleep as much as he or she wants, and avoid waking him or her up unnecessarily. 

    To massage your baby, you should use a warm and gentle baby oil, and rub it on your baby’s chest, back, and neck. You can also use a vapor rub that contains menthol, camphor, or eucalyptus, but only for babies above 6 months of age, and after consulting your doctor. You should massage your baby with gentle and circular strokes, and avoid applying too much pressure or rubbing too hard. You should massage your baby for 10 to 15 minutes, and then cover him or her with a warm blanket. Rest and massage are one of the best natural remedies for cold in infants.

    5. Basil and Ginger

    Basil and ginger are two herbs that have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. They can help to relieve a sore throat, cough, and congestion. Basil and ginger are suitable for babies above 6 months who have started taking solid foods or other drinks. To use basil and ginger, you can either make a herbal tea or a paste. 

    To make a herbal tea, boil a few leaves of basil and a small piece of ginger in a cup of water for 10 minutes. Strain the liquid and let it cool down. You can add some honey (for babies above 1 year) or lemon juice to enhance the taste and effect. Give your baby a few teaspoons of this tea several times a day. To make a paste, grind some basil leaves and ginger together with a little water. Apply this paste on your baby’s chest, back, and neck. Leave it for 15 minutes, and then wipe it off with a warm cloth. You can do this twice a day, or as needed. 

    6. Turmeric and Milk

    Turmeric and milk are another combination that can help to fight cold and cough in babies. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties. It can help to reduce the inflammation and infection in the respiratory tract. Milk provides hydration and nutrition to your baby. Turmeric and milk are suitable for babies above 6 months who have started taking solid foods or other drinks. 

    To use turmeric and milk, you can either make a golden milk or a turmeric paste. To make a golden milk, boil a cup of milk with a pinch of turmeric powder and a pinch of black pepper powder. Let it cool down and give your baby a few teaspoons of this milk several times a day. 

    To make a turmeric paste, mix some turmeric powder with a little water. Apply this paste on your baby’s forehead, nose, and chest. Leave it for 10 minutes, and then wipe it off with a warm cloth. You can do this twice a day, or as needed. 

    Cold and cough areviral infection that affect infants, especially during the winter season. They can cause discomfort, irritation, and sleeplessness for both the baby and the parents. While most cases of cold and cough are mild and self-limiting, they can sometimes lead to complications or indicate a more serious condition. 

    Therefore, it is important to know the causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of cold and cough in infants. Indian home remedies for cold and cough in infants are the natural and traditional methods of treating the symptoms and boosting the immunity of your baby. They are safe, effective, and easy to use. However, they are not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Therefore, you should always consult your doctor before using any home remedy for your baby.


    Frequently Asked Questions related to Cold in Babies (FAQs)

    Q: What are some causes of cold and cough in infants?

    A: Cold and cough are caused by various factors, such as viruses, bacteria, allergens, or environmental irritants. Some of the common causes are common cold, flu, allergies, or other causes, such as smoke, pollution, or acid reflux.

    Q: How can I treat my baby's cough and cold at home?

    A: You can treat your baby's cough and cold at home by using some simple and natural remedies, such as breast milk, saline drops, warm towels, warm fluids, rest and massage, basil and ginger, turmeric and milk, elderberry and elderflower, chamomile, or mint. However, you should always consult your doctor before using any home remedy for your baby and seek medical attention if your baby has any serious or persistent symptoms.

    Q: What is the Indian home remedy for a baby cold?

    A: Some of the Indian home remedies for baby cold are basil and ginger, turmeric and milk, elderberry and elderflower, chamomile, or mint. These herbs have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting properties that can help to fight the infection and reduce the symptoms. You can make a decoction, a syrup, or a tea by boiling or steeping these herbs in water and give your baby 1 to 2 teaspoons of the liquid 2 to 3 times a day or as needed.

    Q: How to get rid of a child's cold quickly home remedies in India?

    A: To get rid of a child's cold quickly home remedies in India, you can try the following tips:

    • Breastfeed your child frequently to provide them with nutrition and immunity.

    • Use saline drops to moisten and loosen the mucus in the nose and throat.

    • Give your child warm fluids, such as soups, broths, or herbal teas, to hydrate and soothe the throat and chest.

    • Let your child rest or nap as much as they need to recover faster.

    • Massage your child’s chest, back, or feet with some warm oil, such as coconut, mustard, or sesame, to improve the blood circulation and the immune system.

    Q: How can I get immediate relief from my baby’s cough?

    A: You can get immediate relief from your baby’s cough by using some simple and natural remedies, such as breast milk, saline drops, warm fluids, rest and massage, basil and ginger, turmeric and milk, elderberry and elderflower, chamomile, or mint.

    Q: How do I get mucus out of my baby’s chest?

    A: You can get mucus out of your baby’s chest by using some simple and natural remedies, such as breast milk, saline drops, warm fluids, rest and massage, basil and ginger, turmeric and milk, elderberry and elderflower, chamomile, or mint. These remedies can help to thin and expel the mucus and germs from the respiratory tract. You can also use a bulb syringe or a nasal aspirator to gently suction the mucus from your baby’s nose or mouth.

    I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post on how to help your child feel better with home remedies for cold. If you did, please share it with your friends and family who may find it useful. Also, please leave a comment below and let me know what you think of this blog post. 

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