1. 5 Yoga Asanas to Beat Exa ...

5 Yoga Asanas to Beat Exam Stress

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Neha Gupta Mittal
6 hours ago

5 Yoga Asanas to Beat Exam Stress

Is your child getting stressed or pressured because of looming exams? It’s been proven time and again that yoga benefits the mind, body and soul holistically. The asanas especially help to relieve stress, and so practising these during exam time can be the ultimate stress buster. The results are immediate!

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Yoga Asanas That Help Child to Handle Exam Stress Better

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    Our blogger Neha Mittal spoke to Ratan Kumar, an M.Sc (Yoga) from Svyasa University, Bangalore and shortlisted 5 yoga asanas that are sure to help your child handle exam stress better. Read it carefully.

    #1. Ardha Kati Chakrasana

    • Stand straight with an erect spine
    • Keep feet joined together and hands on your thighs
    • Slowly raise your right hand to shoulder level
    • Turn your right palm upwards, then raise the hand so that right bicep lies against the right ear
    • Slowly start bending towards the left and let your left palm slide over your thigh
    • Bend as much as possible, but don't bend your legs and arms
    • Hold this pose for 30-50 seconds
    • Release, and then repeat on the other side

    Benefits of Ardha Kati Chakrasana:

    • Improves sense of balance and coordination between body and mind
    • Stretches and tones the arms and shoulders
    • And yes, helps children grow taller

    #2. Vajrasana

    • Kneel, keeping the lower legs together and stretched backwards; your big toes should be crossed
    • Lower your body and sit on your heels. Your buttocks will be resting on your heels and your thighs on the calf muscles
    • Keep your hands on your knees and keep your head straight
    • Concentrate on breathing, ie, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Keep your eyes closed
    • Remain in this position for at least 5–10 minutes. Initially, your legs may hurt when you sit in this position. When that happens, undo the asana, stretch your legs and massage your ankles, knees and calf muscles.

    Benefits of Vajrasana:

    • It increases the efficiency of the digestive system. This leaves children with a light stomach and a fresh frame of mind to focus better.
    • It helps to prevent acidity and ulcers 
    • Slow and rhythmic breathing in Vajrasana can induce a meditative state


    #ParentuneTip: Normally, Asanas should be performed on an empty stomach, but Vajrasana is one of the few exceptions. In fact, it’s most effective after a meal since it aids in proper digestion.

    #3. Shashankasana

    • Sit in Vajrasana or the kneeling pose. Place your hands on your thighs and breathe
    • Raise both your hands above your head, palms facing forward. The arms should be in line with the shoulders
    • Slowly bend down and bring your arms forward, till your hands and forehead touched the ground. Exhale while you’re bending forward
    • In the final position, the forehead and hands rest on the ground. Rest in this position for as long as you’re comfortable. Don’t forget to breathe deeply
    • Exhale slowly and come back to the starting position (kneeling pose).
    • Repeat this process for 5 -10 rounds depending on time and comfort.

    Benefits of Shashankasana:

    • This asana relaxes the mind and relieves depression, check these experts tips on helping children concentrate better
    • It tones the pelvic muscles and relieves sciatic pain
    • It gives a good relaxing stretch to the upper body

    #4. Ushtrasana  

    • Kneel and sit on your heels. Keep your knees and heels slightly apart
    • Now raise yourself up on the knees
    • Stretch your hands backward and slowly bend your head and back with your chin raised
    • Continue the stretch, till your hands can feel your heels. Rest your hands here
    • Remain in this position for as long as you’re comfortable. You may go anywhere between 30 seconds to 3 minutes depending on your comfort levels
    • To release the position, inhale and come back to the kneeling position

    Benefits of Ushtrasana:

    • This asana gives a good stretch to the back, chest, hips, groins and neck muscles and is helpful for back pain, stooping shoulders and also for correcting postural defects of the spine, thus relieving students of body stress and spasms
    • Ushtrasana improves the flexibility of the spine

    #5. Shavasana

    In Shavasana, the emphasis is given to the yogic breath, which is a complete breath done with full awareness. As you breathe in, expand the abdomen first, then chest and then the neck. When breathing out, the process is reversed. The neck and chest region contracts first and finally the abdomen.

    • Lie down on the floor on your back
    • Place your hands next to the body, slightly spread out with palms facing upwards
    • Spread your legs at a slight angle and feel as relaxed as possible
    • Consciously relax all the muscles in your body from head to toe
    • Let your breathing be slow and deep. Focus your attention on your belly and observe the slow and rhythmic abdominal breathing
    • You can maintain this position for as long as you need ranging from 5–30 minutes. Make sure you don’t sleep!
    • To release this position, take a few deep breaths and slowly roll over to the side. Use your arms and raise yourself to a seated position

     Benefits of Shavasana:

    • Shavasana releases stress from all muscles in the body
    • It relaxes the body and mind, giving a sense of well-being  
    • It can be done after a workout or after performing other asanas
    • Shavasana rejuvenates and rebuilds the body
    • It reduces anxiety, alleviates mild depression and improves sleep


    #ParentuneTip: Shavasana is a yogic relaxation pose. The name comes from the Sanskrit words Shava meaning “corpse,” and asana meaning “posture”. It is the main relaxation pose used in yoga and is usually performed at the beginning and the end of practice. It is also used as a resting pose between other asanas.


    Starting with these 5 asanas, let your child adopt yoga as a way of life. This will not only improve the quality of his or her work, but also enhance his or her lifestyle.


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