5 Ways to Make Baby Learn ...
As a new mum you tend to do everything necessary for the baby ourselves like feed him/her on time, nutrition, change diapers, wash and clean the baby, wash her clothes, mop the house well, calm the baby when cranky, and help her sleep. But somewhere in these day-to-day things, you forget talking to her thinking that she cannot converse and would not understand much. In fact, you couldn’t be more wrong, as your child picks up your behavior and learn what she sees and hears rather than what you teach her.
So hold on a little here, take a deep breath as these pro-active beings are watching our every move. Their brain is absolutely fresh and ready to absorb whatever they see or hear from their first teachers, i.e. the parents! So, here watch out before you say anything and make sure throughout the day you keep repeating words which they can pick up soon.
Here are, few ways in which we can help our child learn daily without much effort:
Lastly, spend time with your baby, read, play, run and dance along with her without getting hassled about the housework! These primitive years are the most essential when they will learn maximum even before they get caught in the daily routine of school.
Share how you taught your toddler to talk, and saying thank you and please. Please share your feedback in the comments section below.
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