1. 5 activities your prescho ...

5 activities your preschooler will simply love!

1 to 3 years

Neeta Kadam


3 weeks ago

5 activities your preschooler will simply love!

I was sure that Saee, my daughter, at 2.5 years, was ready to learn some new activity that would not only enhance her motor skills but will also ensure that she is engaged constructively. So I got her to do the five activities listed below and it worked out super. Let me just tell you that I am no professional; I am just a mommy who is inspired by the Montessori Method*. Depending on your child’s interest, you can start with any of the below activities and then add on as you go along. First I demonstrate the activity to her, and then I let her be and play along as she wishes.

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So here we go… the five easy and DIY learning activities that Saee just loved...

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    All these activities are from the kitty of Montessori*. Try these and let me know if you have any queries – simply post your feedback in the comments section below and you will hear from me soon. Also, would love to know how you keep your little one engaged… do share!  

    *Montessori is an education method, which is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. The main function is to allow the child to develop skills for independent learning, according to his or her inner psychological directives.

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