1. 5 Interesting facts of br ...

5 Interesting facts of breastfeeding!

0 to 1 years

Swati Nitin Gupta


8 months ago

5 Interesting facts of breastfeeding!

As the world over celebrates Breastfeeding Week from 1st – 7th August, we bring you 5 interesting facts about breastfeeding. Post reading these facts you will be encouraged to breastfeed more. So read on!

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1. Lose your pregnancy weight: As a new mother you must be worried about how to lose your pregnancy weight. Well nurse your baby more if you want to lose your pregnancy weight. Researches show that a breastfeeding mommy loses her pregnancy weight faster and easily as compared to the moms who don’t.

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    2. Unique scent: A baby can recognise his/her mother in the crowd through the unique scent she exudes. When you breastfeed your baby, s/he is inhaling your scent as well and registering it in his or her mind. So when he or she has to recognise the mother from the crowd, s/he will find it really easy to do so.

    3. Keeps the mom healthy too: We all know that breastfeeding keeps a baby healthier, but did you know that it is good for moms too. Women who breastfeed have a reduced risk of breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and ovarian cancer.

    4. Size doesn’t matter: Oh well! If you have been wondering that how will you breastfeed your baby with small breasts, then relax and let go off your worry, as it is quite unfounded. Yes, while breastfeeding the size of the breasts doesn’t matter at all. So just let your baby latch on to your breast correctly to get him/her to feed appropriately.

    5. Breastfeeding is relaxing: Oh yes, it is! And it has been proven in numerous researches as well. A breastfeeding baby triggers the release of hormones in both moms and babies, which calms both the baby and the mother. No wonder a newborn always get comforted when s/he latches on to the mother.

    With the hope that you will breastfeed longer after reading these interesting facts, I wish all the new moms and the veterans a happy breastfeeding week!

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