1. 4 Food Options/Recipes fo ...

4 Food Options/Recipes for Your 6 Months Baby

0 to 1 years

Huda  Shaikh


11 months ago

4 Food Options/Recipes for Your 6 Months Baby

The first 6 months, breast milk is considered to be the best, but post that your baby grows very quickly and needs a good dose of energy and essential nutrients. Read on to learn some quick, easy food recipes.

4 Food Options For Your 6 Months Baby 

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    Here are some simple baby food ideas that you can start giving a 5-6-month old kid(s) in the initial days of weaning. Must check now.

    #1. Carrot Soup: 

    Carrot Soup Ingredient & preparation method is given here. Give it a try

    Recipe IngredientsQuantity
    Peeled & Chopped  Carrots2 pieces
    Water1 Cup

    Carrot Soup Preparation Method

    • In a pressure cooker combine together the roughly chopped carrots and 1 cup of water and cook for 3-4 whistles.
    • Now switch off the flame and hold the whistle till all the steam escapes
    • Let it cool, then blend it with the help of an electric /hand blender
    • Strain it with the help of a plastic strainer, add to a bowl and feed your baby
    • Make sure it is not too warm, and do not add salt, sugar and spices at this stage. 


    #2. Banana Milk Mash Recipe:

    Banana Milk Mash Ingredient & preparation method is given here. Give it a try.  

    Recipe IngredientsQuantity
    Medium Size Banana1 pieces
    Breast Milk2 Tablespoon

     How to Prepare Banana Milk Mash

    • Peel the banana and mash it well
    • Now add the milk and mix properly
    • Feed it to your baby immediately


    #3. Oats Apple Porridge:

    Oats apple porridge recipe ingredient & preparation method is given here. Give it a try  

    Oats Apple Porridge IngredientsQuantity
    Powdered Oats (fully heaped)1 Tablespoon
    Pureed Apple1 Piece
    Water1-2 Cups (depending on the consistency you like))

    Method of Preparation

    • In a bowl, add water and the oats
    • Let the oats thicken for a while.
    • Peel the apple, chop it and puree it in a blender
    • Once the oats have thickened, add the pureed apple
    • Mix well. Add more water if required; make sure that the puree is not too thick
    • Let it cool down for some while and then feed it to your baby


    #4. Ragi Porridge: 

    Ragi porridge recipe ingredient & preparation method is given here. Give it a try         

    Ragi Porridge IngredientsQuantity
    Ragi flour1 Tablespoon
    Water1 Cup
    Formula Milk (as per suggestion)2 Tablespoon

    How to Prepare Ragi Porridge 

    • In a saucepan, add water and bring it to boil. Then add the ragi flour
    • Stir and make sure that there are no lumps
    • Cook on low flame till the mixture thickens
    • Once the mixture has thickened, the switch of the flame, let it cool down for some time and then add milk
    • Feed it to your baby when fresh

    Suggest Reading:


    Tell us your quick recipes to feed your 6-month-old in the comments below!


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